Group session slides

Slides and notes from the group sessions will be published here. You can also find older group session notes on GitHub here.

Topic Slides Description
Introduction Intro slides
  • Administrative stuff: mails, assignments, and learning materials
  • General info about the course
  • Expected prior knowledge
  • Recap: manipulator structure, drawings, workspace, and DOFs.
Transformations Homogeneous transforms
  • Methods for finding homogeneous transforms
  • Example calculation
  • Compositions of rotations
  • Parametrizations of rotations
  • Basic homogeneous transforms
Forward kinematics DH parameters
  • Link to a good Video explaining DH parameters
Inverse kinematics

Inverse kinematics part 1


Geometric approach


  • Methods: geometric and analytical
  • Geometric approach example
  • Analyitcal approach example
  • Trigonometric formulas
Velocity kinematics

Velocity kinematics 2

Jacobian and singularities code

  • Jacobian matrix and how to find it
  • How to use the Jacobian
  • Example calculations 
  • Singularities and how to find them

Dynamics part 1

Notes from old group teacher



Ros tutorial (updated)

Control theory

Assingment 4 notes!!

Control theory part 1

Control theory part 2

Extra stuff

Example code sympy

Dynamics and control theory repetition

Repetisjon og noen oppgaver



Notes from the previous group teachers:

2021 Slides
Introduction slides
Transformations slides
Forward kinematics notesdraftsolutions
Inverse kinematics session 1session 2
Velocity kinematics session 1session 2
Dynamics session 1session 2
Control Theory session 1session 2
Extra curricular slidesinspera (eng)inspera (norsk)