Please show your calculations in a clear and organized manner. The last page of the assignment text also outlines the requirements in detail. We encourage you to use astro-discourse if you have any questions ?
The delivery folders for both IN3140 and IN4140 are set up ?
We have been informed that the seminar in FYS1100 conflicts with the Tuesday sessions. After some discussion, the Tuesday session has now been moved to Wednesdays from 12:15 to 14:00. We hope to see you in Modula! ?
Due to administrative difficulties, we have been unable to allocate a submission folder on Devilry. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused ? The new submission deadline is 05/03/25.
Task 3 may seem demanding, perhaps this explanation may help ?
The schematic illustrates the final position of the CrustCrawler after multiple rotations. These rotations depend on the CrustCrawler’s initial orientation and configuration. In Task 2, you made a 3D illustration of the CrustCrawler in an orientation of your choice with various coordinate frames. You ne...
You can now use astro-discourse to ask questions about the mandatory assignments, weekly tasks, exams, etc. ?
Please show your calculations in a clear and organized manner. The last page of the assignment text also outlines the requirements in detail.
Since Mattermost/Discourse has not been published yet, please send an email if you have any questions. You can also receive assistance in the group sessions.
Velkommen til oppstartsforelesning i "Introduksjon til Robotikk" i dag fredag 24.januar 2025 kl. 12.15-14:00.
Forelesningen s?ker ? gi en overordnet oversikt over de fleste temaene vi skal g? n?rmere inn i utover vinteren og v?ren. Den vil ogs? forh?pentligvis v?re motiverende i forhold til hvorfor det er viktig ? l?re de temaene som vi har lagt opp til.
Det vil bare bli lagt opp til fysisk deltakelse p? forelesningene og de vil ikke tilbys digitalt.
Jeg ?nsker med dette ? ?nske dere alle vel m?tt p? vegne av med selv og gruppel?rere.
Vennlig hilsen
Ole Jakob Elle
Fagl?rer IN3140/IN4140