Weekly Tasks

For now, weekly tasks will be posted here, and later on, they will also be mentioned in the time plan.

Lecture  Topic Tasks
1 Introduction

The solution manual is provided here for the upcoming weekly exercises.

This manual refers to the first edition of Robot Modelling and Control.

It is susceptible to small calculation errors ?

2 Homogenous Transforms

Weekly Exercises: (New book (Robot Modelling and control - 2020))

  • 2.10-2.13
  • 2.37
  • 2.38

(Note: In 2005 version, Ex. 2.37, 2.38 is same as 2.38, 2.39 respectively)


3 Forward Kinematics

Weekly Exercises: (New book (Robot Modelling and control - 2020))

  • 3.5-3.8

Note: In the 2005 version these exercises are same as 3.6-3.9

Errors found: In example 3.6, d_1 is given as 0 in the DH table.

That is incorrect because a vertical distance along z_0 exists.

4 Inverse Kinematics I

Weekly Exercises: (New book (Robot Modelling and control - 2020))

  • 5.1 - 5.4

Note: In the 2005 version these exercises are same as 3.11-3.14