Lecture as online webinar due to the Covid-19 crisis

Dear students,

due to the closure of the university facilities we'll establish an online-setup to continue the course. The next lecture on Monday 16-Mar-2020 will be held online using the tool Zoom. All of you should have received an invitation with a link per e-mail. (If you have not received that mail, please notify the lecturer!) Zoom clients are available on all major platforms and once you click on the link you should be guided to download the appropriate client for your device.

If Zoom turns out to work well, we'll also concuct the paper exercises and lab supervision using this tool. (Otherwise the next tool of choice is Microsoft Teams.) We'll send out invitations to join to the course mailing list again.

Published Mar. 16, 2020 9:17 AM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2020 9:17 AM