Beskjeder p? Teams under eksamen/Messages on Teams during the exam

(English below)

Viktige beskjeder under eksamen blir gitt direkte fra fagl?rer p? emnets  MS Teams kanalen (teamnavnet: 'IN3170/4170 Spring 2021', ny kanal: 'Exam'). Det er derfor viktig at du sjekker denne Teams-kanalen jevnlig.  Om noe er uklart under eksamen kan du sende sp?rsm?l som direkte personlige Teams-meldinger bare (!) til foreleseren, i.e. til Philipp H?fliger (G? til 'Chat' i Teams, trykk p? 'ny chat' symbolen (et kvadrat med en strek i ?vere h?yre hj?rnet) og tast in navnet 'hafliger' som mottager)! Svarene vil komme p? 'Exam'-kanalen. Ikke post noe som helst p? andre Teams-kanaler under eksamen!


Important messages during the exam are given directly from the course teacher on the course's MS Teams channel (team name: 'IN3170/4170 Spring 2021', new channel: 'Exam'). It is therefore important that you check this channel regularly. If anything is not clear during the exam you may post questions as direct personal messages to the lecturer only (!) on Teams, i.e. to Philipp H?fliger (Go to 'Chat' in Teams, click on the 'new chat' symbol (a square with a dash in the upper right corner) and type in 'hafliger' as the recipient). Anwers will appear on the 'Exam' channel. Do not post anything on any other Teams channel during the exam!

Published May 27, 2021 12:54 PM - Last modified May 27, 2021 12:54 PM