The following list of advice may be continuously updated, so you are recommended to check this webpage from time to time.
- Please use the mattermost channel of in3200 to post questions to the lecturer and teaching assistant, as well as discussing with other students. (As an IN3200/IN4200 student, you should have already been added to the mattermost channel.)
- For working with parallel programming, you are advised to use the "Fox" system provided on EduCloud at UiO.
- First apply for membership in an EduCloud Research Project (please use project ID "ec54" for IN3200/IN4200) through this link.
- After successfully getting the EduCloud membership, please read this webpage about how to use the Fox system.
- To be able to use one of the MPI installations, you need to first call, e.g.,
module load OpenMPI/4.1.6-GCC-13.2.0. Then, to compile an MPI program, you can use the mpicc compiler.
Here is an example job script for running an MPI program (with 8 processes).
To compile a program parallelized with OpenMP directives, you can use the gcc compiler with option -fopenmp.
To run a compiled OpenMP program on Fox, you can modify the above job script with #SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 and #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 (for using 8 OpenMP threads).
- is a very good website that contains the documentation and examples of MPI and OpenMP programming. Worth a visit!
- Earlier exam questions and suggested solutions: