Course content

This course provides a basic introduction to key features of communication systems, including addressing, routing, flow control, error handling, reliability, and synchronization. Examples are given of how these functions are used in today's communication systems, and more specifically how they are used in various network technologies. Key architectures and protocols are reviewed.

Learning outcome

After taking IN3230 you'll:

  • understand the basic functions on which modern communication systems are based
  • know how packages are found on the Internet, and how saturation is prevented
  • know how wireless communication works
  • be able to develop simple communicating programs
  • have the necessary foundation to be able to work in this field

Admission to the course

Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for?in Studentweb.

Special admission requirements

In addition to fulfilling the?Higher Education Entrance Qualification, applicants have to meet the following special admission requirements:

  • Mathematics R1 or Mathematics (S1+S2)

The special admission requirements may also be covered by equivalent studies from Norwegian upper secondary school or by other equivalent studies. Read more about?special admission requirements?(in Norwegian).

Formal prerequisite knowledge

This course presuppose IN2140 – Introduction to operating systems and data communication/INF1060.

The course builds upon what's taught in IN2010 – Algorithms and Data Structures.

Overlapping courses


2 hours of lectures and 2 hours common exercise solving per week. Additionally there will be an oracle available for questions in a terminal room at posted times. Successful delivery of mandatory assignment is required for admission to the exam. Read more about requirements for submission of assignments, group work and legal cooperation under guidelines for mandatory assignments.

It's recommended to attend the first lecture as important information will be given.


A partial exam counts 30% of the grade, and a final exam counts 70% of the grade. The final exam is a 4 hours written digital exam?or oral, depending on the number of registered students. A failing grade on one exam still provide the opportunity to sit for the remaining exams. Exams cannot be taken in different semesters. Mandatory assignments must be approved prior to the exam.

It will also be counted as one of?your three?attempts to sit the exam for this course, if you sit the exam for one of the following courses: IN4230 – Computer Networks, INF3190 – Data communications (continued)/INF4190, INF240, IN270 and IN-KOM-EVU

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about?the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 22, 2025 6:03:58 PM

Facts about this course

Teaching language