We will use parts of the following online books
- Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3rd ed. draft, v-2018-08-21
- NLTK book
- OpenIntro Statistics, 3rd ed (or some other statistics book of your choice)
We will also read some articles
Weekly overview
Time & |
Program |
22 Aug. 2:15 pm
Lec1: Introduction & Looking at dataPresentationRecommended reading
For the descriptive statistics part, any of the following will cover the lecture
23 Aug |
No Lecture |
27 Aug 2:15 pm |
Lab1: Python, NLTK, plottingWorkbenchExercises |
29 Aug 2:15 pm |
Lec2: Words, lexicon, textsPresentationRecordings: video | audio onlyMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
Wikipedia Recommended readingWikipedia |
30 Aug 10:15 am |
Lec3: ProbabilitiesPresentationMandatory readingOpenIntro Ch. 2, "Probability", sec. 2.1-2.4 |
3 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lab2: Mandatory assignment 1 |
5 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lec4: Text classificationPresentationRecordings: video | audio onlyMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
6 Sep 10:15 am |
Lec5: Probability distributionsPresentationMandatory readingOpenIntro Ch. 3, "Distributions of random variables",:
Recommended exercisesRecommended readingOpenIntro Ch. 3, "Distributions of random variables",:
12 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lec6: N-gram models and more on Naive BayesPresentations
Mandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
17 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lab3: Text classification 1ExercisesLast minute help with mandatory assignment 1 |
19 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lec7: HMM-taggingPresentationsNo recordings
Mandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
24 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lab4: Text classification 2Exercises |
26 Sep 2:15 pm |
Lec8: Logistic regressionPresentationRecordings: video | audio onlyMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
1 Oct 2:15 pm |
4 Oct 2:15 pm |
Lec9: Sequence labelling, summary so farPresentationRecordings: video | audio onlyMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
Matthew Honnibal: A Good Part-of-Speech Tagger in about 200 Lines of Python |
8 Oct 2:15 pm |
10 Oct 2:15 pm |
Lec10: Vector Semantics - Sparse VectorsPresentationRecordings: video | audio onlyMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
15 Oct 2:15 pm |
17 Oct 2:15 pm |
Lec11: Vector semantics - Word2VecPresentationMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
18 Oct 10:15 am |
Lec12: Phrase structure, grammar and parsingPresentationNo recordingMandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
Recommended reading
24 Oct 2:15 pm |
Lec13: Dependency parsingPresentationRecording: video | audio onlyMandatory reading
Recommended reading
31 Oct 2:15 pm |
Lec14: Information extractionPresentationNo recording (due to a bad cough)
Mandatory readingJurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed.:
5 Nov 2:00 pm |
7 Nov 2:15 pm |
Lec15: Relation extraction; Evaluation and significancePresentationRecordings
Mandatory readingMiroslav Kubat, An Introduction to Machine Learning (accessible within the uio domain)
OpenIntro Ch. 6, "Inferences for categorical data"
Recommended readingOpenIntro Ch. 3, "Distributions of random variables",:
14 Nov 2:15 pm |
Lec16: Evaluation and significancePresentationRecordings: video | audio onlyMandatory readingMiroslav Kubat, An Introduction to Machine Learning (accessible within the uio domain)
21 Nov 2:15 pm |
Exercises and repetitionExercises |
28 Nov 2:15 pm |
More exercises and repetitionExercises