We have completed the grading of the exam. It will hopefully show up in studentweb before Christmas. We have published solutions together with grading guidelines here. Thanks for this unusal semester. We wish you all a merry Christmas and a well-deserved break!
Pierre and Jan Tore
We have gathered and ordered chronologically all the mandatory readings on the page called syllabus.
We will have a last zoom session preparing for the exam. See week 15. Zoom link by mail.
Monday 16 Nov at 10.15 will be the last ordinary lecture. It will still be a physical lecture with recording.
As repetition and preparation for the exam, we will turn to earlier exam exercises. To include everybody, we will do this on Zoom
Tuesday 17 Nov at 10.15
(Regular slot for group sessions)
(Link in email. Write us if you do not get it.)
We will start with the exam from last year.
If this is popular, we might also take another session Monday 23 Nov with more exercices.
Kind regards,
Jan Tore
We have published some more detailed information regarding the exam:
In line with UiO's recommendation to maintain physical presence for teaching if possible, Tuesday's group session will take place IRL at the regular time and place (10:15, Sed), and the topic of the session will be Q&A/troubleshooting for the 3rd mandatory assignment.
However, students who are engaged in remote learning, as well as those who prefer not to attend physical sessions for health concerns, are encouraged to contact us about arranging a digital alternative to tomorrow's session.
In this group session, I'll give a general introduction to the Python "data science stack", including Numpy, Pandas, and Keras.
Pierre Lison is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: IN4080 group session
Time: Oct 20, 2020 10:15 AM Oslo
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 640 0745 0673
Passcode: 647524
Documentation on how to use Zoom can be found here:
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Due to sickness, the group session scheduled today (October 13) is cancelled.
The third and last obligatory assignment (on dialogue) is out! See here. We hope you'll find the assignment interesting and instructive :-) Submission deadline is November 6.
Mandatory assignment 2 is now out. Deadline is 9 October. The last third is a little delayed and will appear in a few days.
We have now established a Padlet channel (GDPR safe Piazza replacement) whci you find here.
The exercise set for next week's lab session is now available in the weekly materials. Please sign up if you intend to come, or email us if you're currently studying remotely and want to attend the digital lab session. See you next week!
For the foreseeable future, we will be providing digital lab sessions for students who are unable to attend the physical sessions. As we don't yet know how many students will need to make use of this option (and expect the number to change through the course of the semester), there is not yet a fixed timeslot for this session.
If you are currently studying remotely, and want to attend this week's lab, please send us an email. We will try to find an appropriate time for the digital session.
For those attending Tuesday's physical session, we kindly remind you to use the sign-up sheet.
There was a mistake at the weekly syllabus page regarding the readings from NLTK. It has now been corrected.
We've made a questionnaire and we hope all participants will answer it. We made it to get statistical information of your background knowledge. Please answer it - if you haven't already done so. You find the address at the last page of the slides from the first lecture.
Tuesday 18.8 we will have a tutorial on Probabilities for they without training in probabilities and statistics. It will we in the regular group/lab slot at 10.15 in Fortress. Because of room capacity, they who plan to come should sign up beforehand here. More information in the first lecture, Monday.
Regular group sessions will start Tuesday 25 August. We will have a tutorial on probabilities in the group session slot Tuesday 18 August.
Last year, 35 students followed the course. The class room, Java, has 34 corona safe seats. With a similar number of students to last year, the lectures this semester will be given physically and recorded (screen-casted) in the usual way.
However, last year, more than 35 students signed up for the course and came to the first lecture. We don't know how many students that will sign up for the course this year till Sunday night, while the first lecture is Monday morning. To avoid the unfortunate situation where some students show up and are not allowed to the room, the first lecture will be given digitally.
The first lecture will have two parts, one with practical information and one regular part with content. The first part will be given as an interactive zoom-meeting at 10.15, where you can ask all the questions you like. It will not be recorded. The second part will be in the form of (a) recorded video(s) which you can see whenever you like. We wi...