Lecture 7: 28 Sept.
Training word2wec, sequence labeling
Remaing slides from last week (word2vec)
Slides: tagging and sequence labeling
Mandatory reading
Jurafsky and Martin, Speech and Language Processing, 3. ed. (edition of Oct. 2019)
- Ch. 6, "Word Semantics and Embeddings"
- Sections 6.8-6.12
- Ch. 8, "Part-of-Speech Tagging
- except Viterbi algorithm, sec. 8.4.5, 8.4.6 and partly 8.4.7 and 8.4.8
- Ch. 7,
- Section 7.5 Neural Language Models
- Ch. 9, "Sequence Processing with recurrent Networks"
- Sections 9.0-9.2
Lab-session 6, Tuesday 29 Sept. at Sed
Work on mandatory assignment 2