Updated instructions for lecture 12

Dear all

I realized that the instructions for how to prepare for the next lecture, in particular how to read the BioDesign student guide, were unclear. I have therefore updated the information on the course page. In sum, the instructions on how to read the student guide is now as follows:

(a) Gain overview of the Biodesign model as a whole by scanning over the purpose and main instructions for each step. 

(b) Focus your reading on the following steps (in the lecture, I will draw on relevant information from other steps): 

  • Phase 1 - Identify:
    • Need finding and validation through clinical observations
    • Need finding and validation through interviews
    • Need screening and selection.
  • Phase 2 - Invent:
    • Concept screening and selection
    • Prototyping: Questions and plan
    • Prototyping: Test assess and iterate

I hope this clarifies, otherwise please let me know. 

Kind regards, 

Publisert 28. apr. 2023 10:40 - Sist endret 28. apr. 2023 10:40