Mandatory assignment 2: Invitation to feedback meetings
Dear all,
The grading of assignment 2 will be ready within a few days. In the meantime, here is information on the possibility of receiving feedback on your response:
Format: Feedback will be given orally as short meetings (10 min per student).
Time and place: The meetings will take place Friday, March 22nd, 13:00-16:00. All meetings will be in-person (no virtual meetings) at Troels' office (Nemko building, 2nd floor).
How to request a meeting: To receive feedback you must book a meeting. You do this by sending an email to no later than Monday, March 18th.
This offer to receive feedback is entirely voluntary and if you cannot participate, don't worry as I will give collective feedback on the first lecture in module 4 (as well as you are of course welcome to ask questions during the brakes).
Kind regards,