Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course book

Crang and Cook (2007): Doing Ethnographies (Chapters 1-5, 7-9), Sage Publications. ISBN: 978-0-7619-4446-1.

The course book is complemented with articles/chapters focusing on relevant debates, approaches and examples from the informatics field, mainly Information Systems Research, Design, and Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW).

Book chapters and papers marked as ADDITIONAL will not be required for the exam; they are meant as suggestions for further reading.


Articles and Book Chapters

Introduction to the course and qualitative research



Kalleberg, R. (1992) A constructive Turn in Sociology, ISO Rapportserie, Report Nr. 19, Department of Sociology, UiO

Kalleberg, R. (2002) 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sopplegget og samfunnsforskningens dobbeltdialog, Kvalitative metoder i samfunnsforskning. H. Holter and R. Kalleberg, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, p. 26-55.

Latour, B. (1999): Circulating Reference: Sampling the Soil in the Amazon Forest, In Pandoras Hope. Essays on the Reality of Science Studies. Harvard University Press. Chap. 2, pp. 24-79.

Nygaard, Kristen (1992): How Many Choices Do We Make? How Many Are Difficult? In: Floyd et al (eds.) Proceedings from Software Development and Reality Construction, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 52-59


Overview of the field + intro to the research paradigms positivist, interpretive, critical

Myers, M.D., Section Editor (living version): Qualitative Research in Information Systems, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Originally published in MISQ Discovery, June 1997. Available online.

Walsham, Geoff (2006): Doing interpretive research, European Journal of Information Systems, Volume 15, Issue 3, pp 320–330.

Walsham, Geoff (2012): Are we making a better world with ICTs? Reflections on a future agenda for the IS field, Journal of Information Technology, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp 87–93.


Klein, H. K. and Myers, M. D. (1999): A set of principles for conducting and evaluating interpretive field studies in information systems, MIS Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 67-94. Available online

Myers, M. D. & Klein, H. K. (2011): A set of Principles for Conducting Critical Research in Information Systems. MIS Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 17-36.

McGrath, K. (2005), Doing critical research in information systems: a case of theory and practice not informing each other. Information Systems Journal, 15: 85-101.

Orlikowski, W.J., and J.J. Baroudi (1991): “Studying Information Technology in Organizations: Research Approaches and Assumptions.” Information Systems Research 2 (1): 1–28. Available online.


Conducting fieldwork. Generating material



Blauhut, D. & Buur, J. (2009): What video styles can do for user research. Paper at The Nordes Conference 2009 "Engaging Artifacts", Oslo, Norway. Available online.

Crang and Cook (2007): Doing Ethnographies, "Chapter 6: Focus groups", Sage Publications.

Edwards, R. & Holland J., (2013) What is Qualitative Interviewing?, London: Bloomsbury, . 127 pp.

Suri, J. F. (2011): Poetic Observation: What Designers Make of What They See. In Clarke, A. J. (ed.) Design Anthropology. Object Culture In the 21st Century. SpringerWienNewYork. pp. 16-32. Available online

Flewit, R. (2006): Using video to investigate preschool classroom interaction: education research assumptions and methodological practices. Visual Communication 2006 5, pp. 25-50. Available online.

Graver, B., Dunne, T. and Pacenti, E. (1999) Cultural Probes: Cultural Probes, In Interactions. Jan+Feb. 1999, pp. 21-29. Available online. .


Ethics + privacy in research online and offline

Privacy (Law) and Research. Lecture by Gisle Hannemyr. March 2018


Case Studies

Flyvbjerg, B. (2006): Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study Research, Qualitative Inquiry, Vol. 12, no. 2. Sage Publications, pp. 219-245. Available online.

Stake, R. E. (2005): Qualitative Case Studies, In Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (eds.) (2005): The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications. Chap. 17, pp. 443-466.

Walsham, G. (2002): Interpretive Case Study in IS Research, Sage. Ch 6 in Myers and Avison (eds) "Qualitative Research in Information Systems".

Walsham, G. and Sahay, S. (1999): GIS for District-Level Administration in India: Problems and Opportunities, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Mar., 1999), pp. 39-65.


Baxter, P. & Jack, S. (2008): Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers. The Qualitative Report Volume 13 Number 4 December 2008: 544-599. . Online access.

Geertz, C. (1972): Deep play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight, In Geertz, C. The interpretation of cultures. New York: Basic Books

Lee, A. and Baskerville, R. (2003): Generalizing Generalizability, Information Systems Research. Vol 14, no 3, pp. 221-243. Available online. .

Verne, G., (2015): "The winners are those who have used the old paper form". On citizens and automated public services, PhD Thesis, UiO, Chapter 3 "Case and Method", p. 21-35.

Bardzell, S., Bardzell, J., Pace, T., Reed, K. (2008): Blissfully Productive: Grouping and Cooperation in World of Warcraft Instance Runs, CSCW'08, San Diego, California, USA


Action Research

Baskerville, R. and Wood-Harper, T. (2002): A Critical Perspective on Action Research as a Method for Information Systems Research, In Myers and Avison (eds) Qualitative Research in Information Systems. Chap. 8. vol 23, no. 1, pp. 39-66. .

Checkland, P., and Holwell, S. (1998): Action Research: Its Nature and Validity, Systemic Practice and Action Research. vol 11, no. 1, pp. 9-21. Online access at Springer.


Foth, M. (2006): Network action research. Action Research 2006 4:205: Sage. . Online access.

Callén, B., Doménech, M., López, D. & Tirado, F. (2009): Telecare research. (Cosmo)politicizing metodology, ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 3 (2009), pp. 110-122. . Online access.

Davison, R. , Martinsons, M. G. and Kock, N. (2004): Principles of canonical action research. Information Systems Journal, 14: 65-86.

Avison, D., Lau, F., Myers, M., and Nielsen, P. A. (1999): Action Research, Communications of the ACM. ISBN: Jan 1999, vol 42, no. 1, pp. 94-97. Available online.

Sykes, C. & Treleaven (2009): Critical action research and organizational ethnography. In Ybema, S., Yanow, D., Wels, H. & Kamsteeg, F. (edt.): Organizational Ethnography. Studying Complexities of Everyday Life.. Sage, Chap. 11, pp. 215-230. ISBN: 978-1-84787-046-9.


Ethnography, positioning the researcher

Murphey, K. M. & Marcus, G. E. (2013): Epilogue: Ethnography and Design, Ethnograpgy in Design... Ethnography by Design.  In Gunn, W., Otto, T. & Smith, R. C. (eds.) Design Anthropology. Theory and Practice. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 251-268.

Nardi, B., Harris, J. (2006): Strangers and friends: collaborative play in world of warcraft, Proceedings of CSCW '06 Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary conference on Computer supported cooperative work, Pages 149-158, ACM New York,


Blomberg, J., Giacomi, J. Mosher, A. and Swenton-Wall, P. (1993): Ethnographic Field Methods and Their Relation to Design, In Schuler, D. & A. Namioka (eds.) Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. Pp. 123-156.

Christiansen, E. & Andersen, V. K. (2013): Digital Living at Home – User Voices about Home Automation and Home-Keeping Design Discourse. Aanestad & Bratteteig (eds.): SCIS 2013, pp. 40-52. Available online.

Forsythe, D. (1999): It's Just a Matter of Common Sense: Ethnography as Invisible Work, Journal of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. vol. 8, no. 1-2, pp. 127-145. Available online.

Hughes J., King, V., Rodden, T., Andersen, H. (1994): Moving out from the control room: Ethnography in systems design, In Proceedings from CSCW’94, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Available online.

Harper, R. (2000): The Organization in Ethnography. A discussion of Ethnographic Fieldwork Programs in CSCW, Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 239-264. Available online.

Monahan, T. (2008): Picturing technological change: the materiality of information infrastructures in public education, 2008. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Vol. 17, No. 2, July 2008, 89-101. Available online.

Randall, D., Harper, R. & Rouncefield, M. (2007b): Chap. 9 "Into the Home", in Fieldwork for Design. Theory and Practice., Springer. pp. 255-287. Online access.

Randall, D., Harper, R. & Rouncefield, M. (2007a): Chap. 6 "Ethnography and How to Do It". In Fieldwork for Design. Theory and Practice. Springer. pp. 169-197. Available online.

Schultze, U. (2002): A Confessional Account of an Ethnography about Knowledge Work, MIS Quarterly. Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 3- 41. .

Shilton, K. (2012): Values Levers: Building Ethics in Design. Science, Technology, & Human Values. Published online 23 April 2012: Sage. Online access. ADDITIONAL

Star, S. L. (1999): The Ethnography of Infrastructure. American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 377-391. Online access.

Suchman, L. and E. Wynn (1984) Procedures and  problems in the office Office: Technology and People(2): 133-154. Online access.

van der Waal, K. (2009): Getting going: Organizing ethnographic fieldwork. In Ybema, S., Yanow, D., Wels, H. & Kamsteeg, F. (edt.): Organizational Ethnography. Studying Complexities of Everyday Life., Sage. Chap. 1, pp. 23-39. ISBN: 978-1-84787-046-9.

Wasson, C. (2000): Ethnography in the field of design. Human Organization 59.4. Available online


Grounded Theory. Analyzing data + quality in qualitative research

White, J. & Weatherall, A. (2000): A Grounded Theory Analysis of Older Adults and Information Technology. Educational Gerontology, 26:4, pp. 371-386. Online access

Mills, J., Bonner, A. & Francis K. (2006): The Development of Constructivist Grounded Theory. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(1). Online access.


Charmaz, K. (2005): Grounded Theory in The 21st Century. In Denzin, N. & Lincoln, Y. (eds.) (2005): The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications. Chap. 20, pp. 507-535.

Thoresen, K. (1999): Appendix D: Grounded Theory, PhD Thesis: Computer Use. University of Oslo, Department of Informatics. ADDITIONAL.


Research Methods in Design Projects

Frayling, Christopher  (1994): Research in Art and Design, Royal College of Art Research Papers, Vol 1, No 1, 1993/4,  Royal College of Art, London. Available online.

Gaver, W (2012): What should we expect from research through design?, CHI'12, Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Pages 937-946

H??k, K. and L?wgren, J. (2012): Strong Concepts: Intermediate-Level Knowledge in Interaction Design Research, ACM ToCHI 19 (3): 23:1-18.


Blythe, M. (2014) Research Through Design Fiction: Narrative in Real and Imaginary Abstracts. CHI 2014, ACM: 703-712.

Halln?s, L. (X) Outline of a general artistic design research program, Manuscript, The Swedish School of Textiles, Univesrity of Bor?s

NN (2018) Wearing two hats: on doing research and design, paper submitted to NordiChi 2018, under review

Zimmerman, J. and Forlizzi, J. (2014) Research Through Design in HCI, Olson, J.S. and Kellogg, W.A. (eds): Ways of Knowing in HCI, Springer: 167-189.

Zimmerman, J., Forlizzi, J. and Evenson, S. (2007) Research through design as a method for interaction design research in HCI, Proc. CHI’07, ACM: 493-502.


    Analysis - and writing it up

    S?rensen, C. (revised version of 2002): This is Not an Article - just some food for thought on how to write one, Working Paper. Department of Information Systems, The London School of Economics and Political Science. No. 121. Available online.


    Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology, Vol. 3, Iss. 2

    Emerson, R. M., Fretz, R. I. and Shaw, L. L. (1995): Processing Fieldnotes: Coding and Memoing, In Emerson, Fretz and Shaw Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Chap. 6, pp. 142-168. The University of Chicago Press. ADDITIONAL.

    van Maanen, J. (1995): Style As Theory, Organization Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 133- 143.

    van Maanen, M. (2006): Writing Qualitatively, or the Demands of Writing, QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH, Vol. 16 No. 5, p. 713-722

    Nygaard, L. (2017): Writing your master's thesis : From A to Zen. Los Angeles, Calif: SAGE Publications.


    Bent Hamer (2003): "Salmer fra Kj?kkenet". SF Norge AS. English title: " Kitchen Stories". Available at the library.


    Even more resources... if you are interested in reading more

    Amit, A. (edt.) (2005): Constructing the Field. Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Contemporary World, Routledge.

    Clarke, A. E. (2005): Situated Analysis. Grounded Theory After the Postmodern Turn. Sage

    Denzin, N. K. & Lincon, Y. S. (eds.) (2005): The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage Publications.

    Guimar?es Jr, M. J. L. (2005): Doing Anthropology in Cyberspace: Fieldwork Boundaries and Social Environments, In Hine (edt) Virtual Methods. Issues in Social research on the Internet. Berg, pp. 141-156. Available online.

    Hammersly, M. and Atkinson, P. (1987): Feltmetodikk. Grundlaget for feltarbeid og feltforskning, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.

    Heath, C., Hindmarsh, J., & Luff, P.: Video in Qualitative Research. Analysing Social Interaction in Everyday Life, 2011. Sage.

    Hylland Eriksen, T. (2003): Hva er Sosialantropologi, Universitetsforlaget.

    Kvale, S. (1996): InterViews. An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing, Sage Publications.

    Latour, B. (1987): Science in Action: How to follow scientists and engineers through society, Harvard University Press.

    Madden, R., (2010): Being Ethnographic. A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography, Sage

    Nardi, B.A., My Life as a Night Elf Priest. An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft, The University of Michigan Press, 2010

    Sanjek, R. (edt.) (1990): Fieldnotes. The Makings of Anthropolgy, Cornell University Press.

    Smith, K. : How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum, 2008. Penguin Group Inc.

    Silverman, D. (2005): Doing Qualitative Research, Sage Publications.

    Stake, R. E. (2010) Qualitative Research: studying how things work, New York, The Guilford Press.

    Thagaard, T. (1998): Systematikk og innlevelse. En innf?ring i kvalitativ metode, Fagboglaget.

    Published Jan. 12, 2018 1:25 PM - Last modified June 20, 2018 1:06 PM