Course literature

The mandatory literature for the course consists of 10 articles. There is a long list of secondary literature, which you use in the assignments and exam essay. When you are at UiO, you will have an UiO IP address and have access to all articles. If you are accessing them from your home office, you need to VPN into UiO or log into the library and search for the article in the UB database.

Mandatory literature

Ansari, Ahmad (2019). Decolonizing design through the perspectives of cosmological others: Arguing for an ontological turn in design research and practice. In: XRDS: Crossroads, November 2019. (4 pages)

Boehnert, Joanna (2018). Design, Ecology, Politics: Towards the Ecocene. London: Bloomsbury (Chapter 14. The technofix, 10 pp). (pdf will be made available soon)

Constanza-Chock, Sasha (2018). Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice. In Proceedings of the Design Research Society (14 pp).

D’Ignazio, Cathrine and Lauren Klein (2020). Data Feminism. Cambridge: The MIT Press (Introduction: Why Data Science Needs Feminism, 20 pp).

Feng, P & Andrew Feenberg (2008). Thinking about Design: Critical Theory of Technology and the Realization of Design Possibilities. In P.E. Vermaas et al. (eds) Philosphy and Design: From Engineering to Architecture. Dordrecht: Springer , pp. 105-118 (14 pp).

Jones, Peter H. (2014). Systemic Design Principles for Complex Social Systems. In Metcalf, Gary (ed.) Social Systems and Design. Tokyo: Springer, pp. 91-128.  (31 pp).

Kiran, Asle H., Oudshoor, Nelly & Peter-Paul Verbeek (2015). Beyond checklists: towards an ethical-constructive technology assessment. In Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2(1) (15 pp).

8. Pierce, James (2012). Undesigning technology: considering the negation of design by design. In CHI’12: Proceedings of the SIHCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2012, pp. 957-966 (10 pp).

Sharkey, Noel (2014). Towards a principle for the human supervisory control of robot weapons. In: Politica & Società, 2 (14 pp).

Shilton, Katie (2014). This is an Intervention: Foregrounding and Operationalizing Ethics During Technology Design. In Pimple, Kenneth D. (ed.) Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies (PICT): Ethical Challenges, Opportunities and Safeguards. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 177-192 (25 pp).

Secondary Resources (a selection):

Resources marked with [a] can be used as references in the exam essay. Most resources are relevant for more than one topic. I am still working on this section, so check regularly. If you have suggestions for this list, please let me know.

Meeting 1: Introduction to IN5010 – 24.02.2021

[a] Eriksen, K. G. (2020). Discomforting presence in the classroom – the affective technologies of race, racism and whiteness. Whiteness and Education, 0(0), 1–20.

Stockholm Resilience Centre (2016). Planetary Boundaries

Rockstr?m, J. (2010). Let the environment guide our development (video, 18:41 mins)

United Nations (2015). The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More:

Course philosophy and located accountability

[a] de la Bellacasa, M. Puig (2012). ‘Nothing comes without its world’: thinking with care. In Sociological Review 60(2): 197-216

[a] de la Bellacasa, M. Puig (2011). Matters of Care in Technoscience: Assembling Neglected Things. In Social Studies of Science: 41(1): 85-106

[a] Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. In Feminist Studies 2(3).

[a] Suchman, Lucy (2002). Local accountabilities in technology production. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 14(2).

Meeting 2: Becoming a reflexive researcher – 25.02.2021

[a] Attia, M., & Edge, J. (2017). Be(com)ing a reflexive researcher: A developmental approach to research methodology. Open Review of Educational Research, 4(1), 33–45.

[a] Choudry, Aziz (2019). Activists and the Surveillance State: Learning from repression. London: Pluto Press (264 pp).

[a] Jonas, Hans (1973). Technology and Responsibility: Reflections on the new tasks of ethics. In: Social Research, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 31-54.

Oteng-Ababio, M., & van der Velden, M. (2019). ’Welcome to Sodom’—Six myths about electronic waste in Agbogbloshie, Ghana. SMART.

[a] Oudshoorn, N., Rommes, E., & Stienstra, M. (2004). Configuring the User as Everybody: Gender and Design Cultures in Information and Communication Technologies. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 29(1), 30–63. (on i-methodology)

[a] Stahl, Bernd C. (2013). Teaching Ethical Reflexivity in Information Systems: How to Equip Students to Deal With Moral and Ethical Issues of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies. In Journal of Information Systems Education, v.22(3), pp. 253-260.

[a] van der Velden, Maja (2011). When knowledges meet: Wikipedia and other stories from the contact zone. In Geert Lovink & Nathaniel Tkatz (eds.),Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader. (about diffractive reading in stead of comparisson)

[a] van der Velden, M. (2010). Undesigning culture: A brief reflection on design as ethical practice. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec and C. Ess (eds). Proceedings Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology 2010, Murdoch University, Australia, 117-123

[a] Verbeek, Peter-Paul (2006). Materializing Morality: Design Ethics and technological Mediation. In: Science, technology, & Human Values, 31(3):361-380.

Weaver, J. (2020, June 18). Design has an empathy problem: White men can’t design for everyone. Medium.

Decolonising design & Postcolonial computing

Adams, N-R (2019). Decolonising the Origins of Artificial Intelligence. Becoming Human.

[a] Gurminder K. Bhambra, G. K., Gebrial, D. & Ni?anc?o?lu, K. (2018). Decolonising the University. London: Pluto Press (pp.273).

[a] Birhane, A., & Guest, O. (2020). Towards decolonising computational sciences. ArXiv:2009.14258 [Cs].

[a] Irani et all. (2010). Postcolonial Computing: A lens on design and development. In Proceedings of CHI2010, April 10-15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Khandwala, A. (2019). What does it mean to decolonize design? [essay] 

[a] Moe, A. & Hedland, M. (2020). Rethinking research in South-Sami Communities. In Henriksen, J-E., Hydle, I. & B. Kramvig (eds.) Recognition, reconciliation and restoration applying a decolonized understanding in social work and healing process. [reflections by non-Sami researchers]

[a] Mohamed, S., Png, M.-T., & Isaac, W. (2020). Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence. Philosophy & Technology, 33(4), 659–684.

Pe?a, P. & Varon, J. (2020). Decolonising AI: A transfeminist approach to data and social justice. Medium.

[a] Philip, Kavita, Irani, Lilly and Paul Dourish (2010). Postcolonial Computing: A Tactical Survey. In Science, Technology, & Human Values, 000(00), pp. 1-27.

Raval, N. (2019). An Agenda for Decolonizing Data Science. In Spheres, 5.

[a] Smith, R. C., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Paula Kambunga, A., & Krishnamurthy, S. (2020). Decolonizing Participatory Design: Memory Making in Namibia. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Volume 1, 96–106.

[a] van der Velden, Maja. (2013). Decentring Design: Wikipedia and Indigenous Knowledge. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 29(4), 308-316.

Wegner, Carolyn (2020). Woven Identity: Inclusive and decolonizing exploration. [Interaction design & Participatory design project with a Sami community]

Website: Decolonising Design:

Meeting 3: Critical theory and other theories of technology  – 26.02.2021

[a] Berg, A.-J., & Lie, M. (1995). Feminism and Constructivism: Do Artifacts Have Gender? Science, Technology, & Human Values, 20(3), 332–351.

Feenberg, Andrew (2003). What is Philosophy of Technology (text of lecture).

[a] Hedstr?m, K., Dhillon, G. & Karlsson, F. (2011). Using Actor Network Theory to Understand Information Security Management. In Security and Privacy – Silver Linings in the Cloud, Proceedings of the 25th IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2010.

[a] Pieters, W. (2011). Representing humans in systems security models: An actor-network approach. In Journal of wireless mobile networks, ubiquitous computing, and dependable applications, (2)7, 75-92.

[a] Sparrow, R. (2020). Do Robots Have Race?: Race, Social Construction, and HRI. IEEE Robotics Automation Magazine, 27(3), 144–150.

[a] Timcke, S. (2020). Algorithms and the Critical Theory of Technology. SSRN Electronic Journal.

[a] Quan-Haase, A. (2016). Theorethical Perspectives on technology. In Quan-Haase, A., Technology & Society: Social Networks, Power, and Inequality (2nd edition). Don Mills: Oxford University Press, pp. 42-61. (chapter in Document folder)

[a] van der Velden, Maja (2008). What's love got to do with IT? On ethics and accountability in telling technology stories. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, (Eds), Cultural attitudes towards technology and communication 2008 (pp. 27-39). Murdoch: Murdoch University.

[a] Winner, L. (1980). Do Artifacts Have Politics? Daedalus, 109(1), 121–136.

[a] Wyatt, Sally (2008). Technological determinism is dead: Long live technological determinism. In The Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, E. Hackett, O. Amsterdamska, M. Lynch and J. Wajcman (eds), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 165-181.

Intentionality [persuasion, nudging, regulation]

[a] Redstr?m, J. (2006). Persuasive Design: Fringes and Foundations. In W. A. IJsselsteijn, Y. A. W. de Kort, C. Midden, B. Eggen, & E. van den Hoven (Eds.), Persuasive Technology (pp. 112–122). Springer.

[a] Schneider, C., Weinmann, M., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Digital nudging: Guiding online user choices through interface design. Communications of the ACM, 61(7).

[a] van der Velden, M. (2016). Design as Regulation. In J. Abdelnour-Nocera, M. Strano, C. Ess, M. Van der Velden, & H. Hrachovec (Eds.), Culture, Technology, Communication. Common World, Different Futures (pp. 32–54). Springer International Publishing.

Meeting 4: Design for sustainability – 03.03.2021

Adamson, G. (2021). The Communist Designer, the Fascist Furniture Dealer, and the Politics of Design. The Nation, March 8-15.

Blevis, E. (2007). Sustainable Interaction Design: Invention & Disposal, Renewal & Reuse. In Proceedings of the SIGHI Conference on Human Factors un Computing Systems (CHI’07). pp. 503-512.

[a] Braungart, M., McDonough, W., & Bollinger, A. (2007). Cradle-to-cradle design: Creating healthy emissions – a strategy for eco-effective product and system design. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(13), 1337–1348.

Hickel, J. (2019). The dark side of the Nordic model.

[a] Blevis, Eli (2007). Sustainable Interaction Design: Invention & Disposal, Renewal & Reuse. CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 503–512).

[a] Fry, Tony (2010). On Good design. Introduction to Unsettled: Inkahoots.

[a] Gaziulusoy, I. and ?ztekin, E. E. (2019). Design for Sustainability Transitions: Origins, Attitudes and Future Directions. In Sustainability, 11(13).

[a] Hickel, J. (2019). Degrowth: A theory of radical abundance. Real-World Economics Review, 87, 15.

[a] Knowles, B., Bates, O. & H?kansson, M. (2018). This changes Sustainable HCI. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'18), paper 471.

[a] Nardi, B. (2019). Design in the Age of Climate Change. In She Ji, 5(1), p. 5-14.

[a] Taylor, M. B., & van der Velden, M. (2019). Resistance to Regulation: Failing Sustainability in Product Lifecycles. Sustainability, 11(22), 6526.

[a] van der Velden, M., Taylor, M. B., & Oteng-Ababio, M. (2019). Sustainable Product Lifecycles: A Systemic Approach to the Regulation of E-Waste. Product Lifecycles and the Environment (PLATE), Berlin


[a] Gunderson, R., Stuart, D., & Petersen, B. (2019). The Political Economy of Geoengineering as Plan B: Technological Rationality, Moral Hazard, and New Technology. New Political Economy, 24(5), 696–715.

[a] Parsons, J., Buongiorno, J., Corradini, M., & Petti, D. (2019). A fresh look at nuclear energy. Science, 363(6423), 105–105.

[a] Rolnick, D., Donti, P. L., Kaack, L. H., Kochanski, K., Lacoste, A., Sankaran, K., Ross, A. S., Milojevic-Dupont, N., Jaques, N., Waldman-Brown, A., Luccioni, A., Maharaj, T., Sherwin, E. D., Mukkavilli, S. K., Kording, K. P., Gomes, C., Ng, A. Y., Hassabis, D., Platt, J. C., … Bengio, Y. (2019). Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning. ArXiv:1906.05433 [Cs, Stat].

[a] Ryan, M., Antoniou, J., Brooks, L., Jiya, T., Macnish, K., & Stahl, B. (2019). Technofixing the Future: Ethical Side Effects of Using AI and Big Data to meet the SDGs. IEEE SmartWorld

[a] Schneider, L. (2019). Fixing the Climate? How Geoengineering Threatens to Undermine the SDGs and Climate Justice. Development, 62(1), 29–36.

[a] Siqueira, D. S., de Almeida Meystre, J., Hilário, M. Q., Rocha, D. H. D., Menon, G. J., & da Silva, R. J. (2019). Current perspectives on nuclear energy as a global climate change mitigation option. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 24(5), 749–777.

[a] Smolker, R. (2019). Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (BECCS): The Distracting Injustice of an Infeasible and Unlikely Technofix. Development, 62(1), 13–18.

Design Guides

Acaroglu, L. (2020). Quick Guide to Sustainable Design Strategies. Medium.

Franconi, A. Circular Design: Systemic Design Strategies

Ellen Macarthur Foundation. Circular Design Toolkit.

Systemic Design. Systemic Design Toolkit


Acaroglu, L. (2018). A Manifesto for Design-Led Systems Change.

Daniella Zlotogoura (2015). Ontological Design – Designing Radical Pedagogies

Meeting 5: Human Documentary Festival – 04.03.2021

Human Documentary Festival (2021)

Meeting 6: Ethics – 05.03.2021

[a] Adam, Alison (2005). Delegating and Distributing Morality: Can We Inscribe Privacy Protection in a Machine? In Ethics and Information Technology, vol 7, no. 4, pp. 233-242.

[a] Brigham, M. & Introna, L. (2007). Invoking politics and ethics in the design of information technology: undesigning the design. In Ethics and Information Technology (9)1.

[a] Engelbert, J., van Zoonen, L., & Hirzalla, F. (2019). Excluding citizens from the European smart city: The discourse practices of pursuing and granting smartness. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 347–353.

[a] Faust, G. (2017). Hair, Blood and the Nipple Instagram Censorship and the Female Body: Ethnographic Perspectives Across Global Online and Offline Spaces. In Fr?mming, U. U. (et al. (eds) Digital Environments Ethnographic Perspectives across Global Online and Offline Spaces.

Fernandez, N. D. (2019). Welfare digitalization: On dominant narratives in Norwegian media. University of Stavanger (master thesis).

[a] Graham, M., & Anwar, M. A. (2019). The global gig economy: Towards a planetary labour market? First Monday, 24(4).

[a] Graham, M., Hjorth, I., & Lehdonvirta, V. (2017). Digital labour and development: Impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.

[a] Introna, Lucas D. (2007). Maintaining the reversibility of foldings: Making the ethics (politics) of information technology visible. In Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 11-25.

[a] Larsson, K. K. (2020). Digitization or equality: When government automation covers some, but not all citizens. In Government Information Quarterly, 38(1)

[a] Palmerini, E., Bertolini, A., Battaglia, F., Koops, B.-J., Carnevale, A., & Salvini, P. (2016). RoboLaw: Towards a European framework for robotics regulation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 86, 78–85.

[a] Stahl, B. C., & Coeckelbergh, M. (2016). Ethics of healthcare robotics: Towards responsible research and innovation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 86, 152–161.

Meeting 7: Justice – 10.03.2021

Black Designers on Race and Design: “Do you feel there is diversity in design?” (part 2 of 9).

Constanza-Chock, S. (2020). Imagine Otherwise: Sasha Costanza-Chock on Design Justice (audio, interview, 30 mins.)

Costello, C.G. (2016). Traveling While Trans: The False Promise of Better Treatment (blog post)

Eide, S. & L?berg, K.A. (2021). Studenter skrur av kameraet- og l?rer mindre. NRK

Huffpost (2015). Why we need to talk about white feminism. YouTube.

[a] Queer Surveillance (2019). In Surveillance & Society, 17(5) (special issue)

[a] S?raa, R.A. (2017). Mechanical genders: how do humans gender robots? In Gender, Technology and Development, 21(1-2), 99-115.

Wiggen, M. (2019). Harassment and attack on the indigenous Sámi and industrial colonialism in Norway. Centre for Analysis of the radical Right.

Meeting 8: Presentations – 11.03.2021

Meeting 9: Data Feminism – 12.03.2021

[a] Collins, P. H. (2000). Intersecting Oppressions.

D’Ignazio, C. & Klein, L.F. (2020). Challenging Power in Data Science. YouTube

[a] Buolamwini, J. & Gebru, T. (2018). Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 81:1–15

Hauk?s, N. (2020). Smittestopp-appen kan bli god butikk. Aftenposten.

Teknologir?det (2020). Ansiktsgjenkjenning og personvern. Oslo: Teknologir?det

Meeting 10: Human Control – 17.03.2021

[a] Fjelland, Ragnar (2020). Why general artificial intelligence will not be realized. Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(10),

[a] Floridi, L., Cowls, J., Beltrametti, M. et al. (2018). AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations. In Minds & Machines 28, 689–707.

Guardian, The (2019). Automating Poverty: A series exploring how our governments use AI to target the vulnerable.

Horowitz, M.C. & Scharre, P. (2015). Meaningful Human Control: A primer. Centre for New American Security.

[a] Langford, M. (2020). Taming the Digital Leviathan: Automated Decision-Making and International Human Rights. In AJIL Unbound, 114, 141-146. doi:10.1017/aju.2020.31

[a] Joh, E. E. (2016). Policing Police Robots. Pulse Symposium. UCLA Law Review Discourse, 64, 516–543.

[a] Joh, E. E. (2017). Artificial Intelligence and Policing: First Questions. Seattle UL Rev., 41, 6.

[a] Katzenbach, C., & Ulbricht, L. (2019). Algorithmic governance. In Internet Policy Review, 8(4).

[a] Kaufmann, M., Egbert, S., & Leese, M. (2019). Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns. In The British Journal of Criminology, 59(3), 674–692.

[a] Kramer, Adam D.I., Jamie E. Guillory, and Jeffrey T. Hancock (2014). Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, vol. 111, no. 24. (Facebook manipulation of users' mood)

[a] Mager, Astrid (2012). Algorythmic Ideology: How capitalist society shapes search engines. In Information, Communication & Society Vol. 15, No. 5, June 2012, pp. 769–787

[a] Müller, O. (2020). An Eye Turned into a Weapon”: a Philosophical Investigation of Remote Controlled, Automated, and Autonomous Drone Warfare. Philos. Technol. (2020).

Pasquale, Frank (2020). Machines set loose to slaughter: the dangerous rise of military AI. The Guardian, 15.10.2020

Westerlund, M. (2020). An Ethical Framework for Smart Robots. IN Technology Management Review.

[a] Wiener, N. (1960). Some Moral and Technical Consequences of Automation. In Science, New Series, 131(3410), pp. 1355-1358.

Dual Use

[a] Forge, J. (2010). A note on the definition of “dual use”. Science and Engineering Ethics, 16(1).

Novitzky, P, Kokkeler, B & Verbeek, P-P. (2018). The Dual Use of Drones. In Tijdschrift voor veiligheid, vol. 17, pp. 79-95.

[a] Oltmann, S. (2015). Dual Use Research: Investigation Across Multiple Science Disciplines. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(2).

[a] Mendoza, M.A., Alfonso, M.R. and Lhuillery, S. (2021). A battle of drones: Utilizing legitimacy strategies for the transfer and diffusion of dual-use technologies, In Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120539.

Rodrigues, R. (2015). Principles and Approaches in Ethics: Dual-use in research. Satori.

Meeting 11: Presentations – 18.03.2021

Meeting 12: Systemic Design – 19.03.2021

Systemic Design

[a] Jones, P. and Kijima, K. (2017). Systemic Design: Theory, Methods, and Practice (book)

[a] Sevaldson, B. (2018). Visualizing Complex Design: The Evolution of Gigamaps. In P. Jones & K. Kijima (Eds.), Systemic Design (Vol. 8, pp. 243–269). Springer Japan.

Systems Oriented Design (Oslo School for Architecture and Design – AHO):

Systemic Design Toolkit:

Systems Thinking

[a] Easterbrook, S. (2014). From Computational Thinking to Systems Thinking: A conceptual toolkit for sustainability computing. 235–244.

[a] Ison, R. (2017). Systems Practice: How to Act.

[a] Sankaran, S. (2017). Taking Action Using Systems Research. In M. C. Edson, P. B. Henning, & S. Sankaran (Eds.), A Guide to Systems Research (pp. 111–142).

[a] Stephens, A., Taket, A., & Gagliano, M. (2019). Ecological Justice for Nature in Critical Systems Thinking. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 36(1), 3–19.

Meeting 13: Doughnut Economics – 24.03.2021

[a] Dearing, J. A., Wang, R., Zhang, K., Dyke, J. G., Haberl, H., Hossain, Md. S., Langdon, P. G., Lenton, T. M., Raworth, K., Brown, S., Carstensen, J., Cole, M. J., Cornell, S. E., Dawson, T. P., Doncaster, C. P., Eigenbrod, F., Fl?rke, M., Jeffers, E., Mackay, A. W., … Poppy, G. M. (2014). Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems. Global Environmental Change, 28, 227–238.

[a] Hajer, M., Nilsson, M., Raworth, K., Bakker, P., Berkhout, F., de Boer, Y., Rockstr?m, J., Ludwig, K., & Kok, M. (2015). Beyond Cockpit-ism: Four Insights to Enhance the Transformative Potential of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 7(2), 1651–1660.

Leach, M., Raworth, K., & Rockstr?m, J. (2013). World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments (p. 612) [Text]. OECD.

[a] Raworth, K. (2012). A safe and just space for humanity: Can we live within the doughnut. Oxfam Policy and Practice: Climate Change and Resilience, 8(1), 1–26.

Raworth, K. (2014). Will these Sustainable Development Goals get us into the doughnut (aka a safe and just space for humanity)? [Blog]. From Poverty to Power.

[a] Schaltegger, S., Beckmann, M. and Hockerts, K. (2018). Sustainable entrepreneurship: creating environmental solutions in light of planetary boundaries. In Int. J. Entrepreneurial Venturing, (10)1.

Transition Design

[a] Angheloiu, C., Chaudhuri, G., & Sheldrick, L. (2017). Future Tense: Alternative Futures as a Design Method for Sustainability Transitions. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S3213–S3225.

[a] Gaziulusoy, ?., & Erdo?an ?ztekin, E. (2019). Design for Sustainability Transitions: Origins, Attitudes and Future Directions. Sustainability, 11(13), 3601.

[a] Hackl, E. (2017). 3. You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete (Buckminster Fuller). In S. Sonvilla-Weiss (Ed.), VIS-A-VIS Medien.Kunst.Bildung. De Gruyter.

[a] Irwin, T. (2018). The Emerging Transition Design Approach. Design Research Society 2018, 23.

[a] Irwin, T., Kossof, G., Tonkinwise, C., & Scupelli, P. (2015). Transition Design 2015: A new area of design research, practice and study that proposes design-led societal transition toward more sustainable futures. School of Design, Cargegie Mellon University.

[a] Manzini, E. (2015). Design in the transition phase: A new design culture for the emerging design. Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1), 57–62.

[a] Mulder, I., & Loorbach, D. (2018). Rethinking Design: A critical perspective to embrace societal challenges. In G. Kossoff, & R. Potts (Eds.), Can Design Catalyse the Great Transition: Papers from the TransitionDesign Symposium 2016 (pp. 16-24). Carnegie Mellon University.

[a] Scupelli, P. (2015). Designed transitions and what kind of design is transition design? Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1), 75–84.

[a] Tonkinwise, C. (2015). Design for Transitions ? from and to what? Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1), 85–92.

[a] Willis, A.-M. (2015). Transition Design: The need to refuse discipline and transcend instrumentalism. Design Philosophy Papers, 13(1), 69–74.

Sustainable Digitalisation

Brugger, H., & Eichhammer, W. (2019). Studying the impacts of digitalization and further societal trends on energy demand. European Energy Innovation.

Cologna, V., Creutzburg, L., & Frick, V. (2020). Sufficiency: The missing ingredient for sustainable digitalisation. SocietyByte, 6.

[a] Engelbert, J., van Zoonen, L., & Hirzalla, F. (2019). Excluding citizens from the European smart city: The discourse practices of pursuing and granting smartness. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 142, 347–353.

Graham, M., & Anwar, M. A. (2019). The global gig economy: Towards a planetary labour market? First Monday, 24(4).

[a] Graham, M., Hjorth, I., & Lehdonvirta, V. (2017). Digital labour and development: Impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research.

Messner, D., Fromhold-Eisebith, M., Grote, U., Matthies, E., Pittel, K., Schellnhuber, H. J., Schieferdecker, I., Schlacke, S., & Schneidewind, U. (2019). Digital Momentum for the UN Sustainability Agenda in the 21st Century (UNU-EHS Policy Reports, p. 28). WBGU.

[a] Renda, A., & Laurer, M. (2020). What can the Digital Transformation and IoT achieve for Agend a 2030? (p. 57). Centre for European Policy Studies.

Salhi, Ismael (2015). Slow tech Manifesto

S?bo, S. (2020). How to make AI more sustainable. [blogpost]

Meeting 14: Presentations – 25.03.2021

Meeting 15: Course Summary – 26.03.2021


Published Jan. 31, 2021 4:47 PM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2021 12:05 PM