Course Compass
1. Raworth, Kate (2017b). A Doughnut for the Anthropocene: Humanity’s compass in the 21st century. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1(2), e48–e49.
Secondary literature:
- (a) Leach, M., Raworth, K., & Rockstr?m, J. (2013). Between social and planetary boundaries: Navigating pathways in the safe and just pathway for humanity. In ISSC & UNESCO (Eds.), World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments (pp. 84–90). UNESCO.
- (a) Persson, L., Carney Almroth, B. M., Collins, C. D., Cornell, S., de Wit, C. A., Diamond, M. L., Fantke, P., Hassell?v, M., MacLeod, M., Ryberg, M. W., S?gaard J?rgensen, P., Villarrubia-Gómez, P., Wang, Z., & Hauschild, M. Z. (2022). Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities. Environmental Science & Technology.
- (a) Raworth, K. (2017a). Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. Chelsea Green Publishing.
- (a) Steffen, W., Richardson, K., Rockstr?m, J., Cornell, S. E., Fetzer, I., Bennett, E. M., Biggs, R., Carpenter, S. R., Vries, W. de, Wit, C. A. de, Folke, C., Gerten, D., Heinke, J., Mace, G. M., Persson, L. M., Ramanathan, V., Reyers, B., & S?rlin, S. (2015). Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347(6223), 1259855.
- Studio 2 (2021) Greske myter forklarer livet v?rt p? internett.
Understanding technology
2. Franklin, Ursala (1990). The Real World of Technology (Chapter 1, revised edition). Toronto: Anansi [26 pages].
Franklin’s chapter isalso available as original audio presentation:
Secondary literature:
- (a) Feenberg, Andrew (2010). The Ten Paradoxes of Technology. Techne? 14:1.
- (a) Verbeek, P.-P. (2006). Materializing Morality Design Ethics and Technological Mediation. Science, Technology & Human Values, 31(3), 361–380.
- (a) Winner, Langdon (1980). Do artifacts have politics? Daedalus, Vol. 109, No. 1, Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity? (Winter, 1980), pp. 121-136.
- Verbeek, Peter-Paul (2017). Technological Mediation:
Critical, feminist, and post-colonial theories of technology
3. Ansari, Ahmad (2019). Decolonizing design through the perspectives of cosmological others: Arguing for an ontological turn in design research and practice. In XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students 26(2): 16-19.
Secondary literature:
- (a) Feng, Patrick & Andrew Feenberg (2008). Thinking about Design: Critical Theory of Technology and the Realization of Design Possibilities. In P.E. Vermaas et al. (eds) Philosphy and Design: From Engineering to Architecture. Dordrecht: Springer , pp. 105-118 (14 pp).
- (a) Quan-Haase, A. (2015). Technology & Society: social networks, power, and inequality (chapter 3). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pdf in document folder)
- (a) Bell, S. E. , Daggett, C. & Labuski, C. (2020). Toward feminist energy systems: Why adding women and solar panels is not enough. Energy Research & Social Science 68. Online:
- (a) Berg, Anne-Jorunn and Merete Lie (1995). Feminism and Constructivism: Do artifacts have gender? In Science, technology, & Human Values, 20(3): 332-351.
- (a) Birhane, A., & Guest, O. (2020). Towards decolonising computational sciences. ArXiv:2009.14258 [Cs].
- (a) Brock, André (2018). Critical technocultural discourse analysis
- (a) Cruz, C.C. Decolonizing Philosophy of Technology: Learning from Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to Decolonial Technical Design. Philos. Technol. 34, 1847–1881 (2021).
- (a) Mohamed, S., Png, MT. & Isaac, W. Decolonial AI: Decolonial Theory as Sociotechnical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence. Philos. Technol. 33, 659–684 (2020).
- (a) Timcke, S. (2020). Algorithms and the Critical Theory of Technology. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- (a) van der Velden, M. (2013). Decentering Design: Wikipedia and Indigenous Knowledge. In: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 29:4, 308-316, online:
- o Fjellheim, E.M. & Carl, F. (2020). ‘Green’ colonialism is ruining Indigenous lives in Norway. Aljazeera Online:
- o Kuhn, G. (2021). Sápmi: Resisting Green Colonialism. Counterpunch, Sept. 8, 2021. Online:
- o Big Brother in 1984 Apple Macintosh Ad was Steve Jobs!
- o Elva skal leve – 2011:
Uncovering the Legacies of Nordic Colonialism with Lill-Ann K?rber
Design Justice
4. Constanza-Chock, Sasha (2018). Design Justice: towards an intersectional feminist framework for design theory and practice. In Proceedings of the Design Research Society [14 pp].
Seconday literature:
On script:
- (a) Akrich, Madeleine (1997). The De-Scription of Technical Objects. In Bijker, W. E. and Law, J. (eds), Shaping Technology/Building Society. Studies in sociotechnical change. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 205-224.Online:
- Future Learn (n.d.). What can we learn from Latour? [Actor network Theory] Online:
- (a) Velden, M. van der, & M?rtberg, C. (2011). Between Need and Desire: Exploring Strategies for Gendering Design. Science, Technology, & Human Values.
On Cui Bono:
- (a) Star, S. L. (1990). Power, Technology and the Phenomenology of Conventions: On being Allergic to Onions. The Sociological Review, 38(1_suppl), 26–56.
- (a) Buolamwini, J., & Gebru, T. (2018). Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classi?cation. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 81:1–15, 2018 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency
- (a) Charlotte Smith, R., Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Paula Kambunga, A., & Krishnamurthy, S. (2020). Decolonizing Participatory Design: Memory Making in Namibia. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 – Participation(s) Otherwise – Volume 1, 96–106.
- (a) Shivers-McNair, A., Gonzales, L., & Zhyvotovska, T. (2019). An Intersectional Technofeminist Framework for Community-Driven Technology Innovation. Computers and Composition, 51, 43–54.
- (a) Spiel, K. (2021). Why are they all obsessed with Gender?; (Non)binary Navigations through Technological Infrastructures. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021 (pp. 478–494). Association for Computing Machinery.
- Crenshaw, Kimberlé (2016). The urgency of intersectionality. [18 mins]
- Just Tech:
- Gender Pay Gap Bot:
AI Futures I
5. D’Ignazio, Cathrine and Lauren Klein (2020). Data Feminism. Cambridge: The MIT Press (Introduction: Why Data Science Needs Feminism (20 pp). Available online at
AI Futures II
6. Floridi, L., Cowls, J., Beltrametti, M. et al. AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations. Minds & Machines 28, 689–707 (2018).
Secondary literature:
- Coeckelbergh, M., & Loh, J. (2020). Transformations of Responsibility in the Age of Automation: Being Answerable to Human and Non-Human Others. In B. Beck & M. Kühler (Eds.), Technology, Anthropology, and Dimensions of Responsibility (Vol. 1, pp. 7–22). J.B. Metzler.
- (a) Hagendorff, T. Blind spots in AI ethics. AI Ethics (2021).
- (a) Kiran, Asle H., Oudshoor, Nelly & Peter-Paul Verbeek (2015). Beyond checklists: towards an ethical-constructive technology assessment. In Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2(1) (15 pp).
- (a) Martin, Kirsten (2019). Ethical Implications and Accountability of Algorithms. In Journal of Business Ethics.
- (a) Sharkey, Noel (2014). Towards a principle for the human supervisory control of robot weapons. In: Politica & Società, 2 (14 pp)
- (a) Timcke, S. (2020). Algorithms and the Critical Theory of Technology. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- (a) Wilson, Christopher and Maja van der Velden (2022). Sustainable AI: An integrated model to guide public sector decision-making. In Technology in Society.68: 101926
Russel, Stuart (2021). Living with Artificial Intelligence. The Reith Lectures, part 4. [58 mins]
The dark side of digitalisation
7. Trittin-Ulbrich, Hannah, Scherer, A. G., Munro, I., & Whelan, G. (2021). Exploring the dark and unexpected sides of digitalization: Toward a critical agenda. Organization, 28(1), 8–25.
Secondary literature:
- (a) Ricaurte, P. (2019). Data Epistemologies, The Coloniality of Power, and Resistance. Television & New Media, 20(4), 350–365.
- (a) Shilton, Katie (2014). This is an Intervention: Foregrounding and Operationalizing Ethics During Technology Design. In Pimple, Kenneth D. (ed.) Emerging Pervasive Information and Communication Technologies (PICT): Ethical Challenges, Opportunities and Safeguards. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 177-192 (25 pp).
- Geneva Environment Network (2021). Data, Digital technology, and the Environment. Online:
- ICT Works (2020). Digital Technologies Are Part of the Climate Change Problem. Online:
- o The dark side of digitalization – and how to fix it. Online:
8. Boehnert, Joanne (2018). Design, Ecology, Politics: Towards the Ecocene. London: Bloomsbury (Chapter 14. The technofix, 10 pp). (pdf will be made available)
Secondary literature:
- (a) Bell, S. E. , Daggett, C. & Labuski, C. (2020). Toward feminist energy systems: Why adding women and solar panels is not enough. Energy Research & Social Science 68. Online:
- McKinnen, B. (2022). In a World on Fire, Stop Burning Things. In The New Yorker:
- (a) Ryan, M., Antoniou, J., Brooks, L., Jiya, T., Macnish, K., & Stahl, B. (2019, August 28). Technofixing the Future: Ethical Side Effects of Using AI and Big Data to meet the SDGs.
- (a) Dunlap, A. (2018). The ‘solution’is now the ‘problem:’wind energy, colonisation and the ‘genocide-ecocide nexus’ in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca. In The International Journal of Human Rights.
- (a) Dunlap, A. & Marin, D. (2022). Comparing coal and ‘transition materials’? Overlooking complexity, flattening reality and ignoring capitalism. In Energy Research & Social Science.
- (a) Sovacool, B. K., & Dunlap, A. (2022). Anarchy, war, or revolt? Radical perspectives for climate protection, insurgency and civil disobedience in a low-carbon era. In Energy Research & Social Science.
- (a) Pierce, J. (2012). Undesigning technology: considering the negation of design by design. In CHI’12: Proceedings of the SIHCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2012, pp. 957-966 (10 pp).
The Green Lie (2017):
Regenerative Sustainability I
9. Lenz, Sara (2021). Is digitalization a problem solver or a fire accelerator? Situating digital technologies in sustainability discourses. In Social Science Information, 60(2): 188-208. Online:
Secondary literature:
- (a) The opportunities and risks of digitalisation for sustainable development: a systemic perspective | GAIA 30/1 (2021): 23 – 28
- (a) Lucivero, F. (2020). Big Data, Big Waste? A Reflection on the Environmental Sustainability of Big Data Initiatives. Science and Engineering Ethics, 26(2), 1009–1030.
- (a) Sacco, P., Gargano, E. R., & Cornella, A. (2021). Sustainable Digitalization: A Systematic Literature Review to Identify How to Make Digitalization More Sustainable. In Y. Borgianni, S. Brad, D. Cavallucci, & P. Livotov (Eds.), Creative Solutions for a Sustainable Development (pp. 14–29). Springer International Publishing.
- (a) Renn, O., Beier, G., & Schweizer, P.-J. (2021). The opportunities and risks of digitalisation for sustainable development: A systemic perspective. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 30, 23–28.
Regenerative Sustainability II
10. Gibbons, L. V. (2020). Regenerative—The New Sustainable? Sustainability, 12(13), 5483.
Secondary literature:
- (a) Hutchins, Giles & Laura Storm (2019). Regenerative Leadership: The DNA of life-affirming 21 st century organizations (chapter 1). Online:
- (a) Reed, B. (2007). Shifting from ‘sustainability’ to regeneration. Building Research & Information, 35(6), 674–680.
Online presentations:
- o Reed, Bill (2011). From Sustainability through Regeneration: Whole and Living System Design. Online:
- o Wahl, Daniel (2018). Designing for Regeneration & Planetary Health. Online:
Blog posts:
- o Jankel, N. S. (2021, May 27). Regenerative Tech: Slow Down & Mend Things. Switch On.
- o Siegel, R. P. (2020). Regenerative products just might save the planet – and the economy. Strategy+business. Retrieved September 12, 2021, from