Changes and Updates to the Course Schedule

Dear Students,

Sorry for the technical problem for digital teaching last Monday (September 20th) 12:15-14:00 for the time and coordination lecture.

In order to provide best teaching experience for you, we want to provide a repetition of the Time and Coordination lecture on Monday (September 27th) from 12:15-14:00 digitally on Zoom.

On the same day (Monday September 27th), Group meeting from 14:15-16:00 will be replace by lecture on replication in distributed systemsThe lecture will take place physically on OJD, Seminarrom Logo.

Releasing the second programming assignment will also be postponed to October 4th (next group meeting) since the assignment is about replication. You will still have 15 days, as considered originally, for submitting the second assignment.


Publisert 25. sep. 2021 11:51 - Sist endret 25. sep. 2021 11:52