Assignment 1 Architecture reminder

Hello everyone,

I have seen that several groups are using addQuery or similar, then the server invoke an API from Client. This is a totally wrong architecture. If you are using it, please change your architecture or you will get a FAIL. 

You have to demonstrate that a client can call a REMOTE FUNCTION like calling a LOCAL FUNCTION, means that it has to call the function and wait for reply in one call.

E.g. num_population=server.GetPopulationOfCountry(...)

E.g. in the tutorial, Client side, I wrote "System.out.println(server.Add(10,20));" This means that I invoke the Add function on the server and the server can return the result for the client to print out, in just one RMI command.

Publisert 19. sep. 2024 14:24 - Sist endret 19. sep. 2024 14:24