
Publisert 4. sep. 2024 14:35

Some students have reported issues when trying to run the exercise. 

This might be related with using the wrong link to last year's zip file. 
I have now corrected this in the handout, the correct link is:

If you run into an issue when running the provided program, please contact me by e-mail giving some details about the issue. 

Publisert 2. sep. 2024 09:14

Assignment 1 has been released with deadline 1st October 2024, 23:59h.

You can find the necessary files here:  /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN5040/h24/exercise/

A presentation will be given this Tuesday (3rd September) at the end of the class to clear doubts and give some details about how it works. 

Delivery of the results should be done through Devilry: