Assignment 3

Hi everyone,

Assignment 3 is as follows:

Each group is assigned one of four guest lectures. The assignment is to write a 2-page reflection document of the lecture. This involves selecting the most important topics of the lecture, explain what is being said about these topics, and briefly relate the content to course framework.

Assignments per group can be found here.

Email the notes to both Alex ( and Margunn ( by the end of the week the lecture is in. Email Alex if you need to extra time.  

In the group session April 25, each group will provide feedback to two other groups. Based on the feedback, each group will edit their notes and send the results on email to the group teachers. All notes will then be shared to all groups. 

Publisert 2. apr. 2024 19:33 - Sist endret 2. apr. 2024 19:33