On the coming wednesday, we are forming new groups for the obligatory assignments. We will not spend the whole two hours, but it is important that you come for the beginning of the class.
If you cant make it, please contact me.
Hi everyone,
Looking forward to seeing you all in todays guest lecture, by Marte Rime B? from the Directorate of Health, on standardization processes.
Some of you will later get the assignment (as part of assignment 4) to write a reflection not on this lecture, so I reccomend you to take good notes!
We will organize the group work on Assignment 2 via zoom tomorrow. Link is in the schedule.
Dear all,
We have experienced a technical setback with the database used for Assignment 2. Stored favorites and Dashboards are unfortunately lost. We will get a new database running as soon as possible.
There will be a group work session on February 26th where you can get support and feedback before the presentation.
Group presentations are moved to March 5th, 12:15–14:00.
We are sorry for the inconvenience!
Please continue with assignment 1 and 2. There is no lab / group work session this week on the 5th.
Hi everyone, and welcome to this course in health data and decision-making! We look forward to meeting you all and discussing health data with you this spring.
The first lecture is Monday, January 20. Until then, here is a bit of information:
Lectures are on Mondays 14.15-16.00.
Please check out the list of lectures on the course pages for more information. This is almost finalized, but we will add details by the beginning of January.