
Publisert 9. des. 2021 11:49

For some reason, these notes on the cell biology curriculum were not on this web page. Now they are.

Publisert 2. des. 2021 12:25

You wanted an extra lecture on Monday, and we will have one in Python, usual time.  However, I have nothing on the agenda, so I need questions from you in advance (preferably, to give good answers).

Publisert 31. okt. 2021 23:31
Publisert 27. okt. 2021 17:04

Here is my short note. The curriculum is the paper (in pdf) available from UiO here.

Publisert 20. okt. 2021 11:37
  1. The following overview paper on the use of formal methods at the University of Illinois Center for Assured Cloud Computing: Rakesh Bobba, Jon Grov, ...
Publisert 20. okt. 2021 11:15

I am tempted to cancel the lecture on Monday Oct 25.  I think it is early for the cloud stuff.  Let me you if you still want to discuss something on Monday, but unless I read from you, I don't think we need it.  Also time to prepare for the student topics.

Publisert 19. okt. 2021 20:29

Here is a document defining the curriculum formally.  The scientific paper defines the curriculum; the "questions" do not exhastively define the curriculum.

Publisert 18. okt. 2021 12:15

It seemed that December 10 was a good date for the exam for all of you.  The exam will take place from 10:30 to 18:00 or so.

Publisert 30. sep. 2021 10:28

Here is the core Maude version of the dining philosophers example (version 1), with initial state initState.

Publisert 30. sep. 2021 10:12

The return sort of the command that performs multiple randomized simulations should of course return a list (or set) of terms, not a single term. Corrected now.  Thanks to Fredrik for letting me know.

Publisert 27. sep. 2021 11:12

Is available here.  Here is one test file. I will also publish a version of the dining philosophers that you should try your spec on.

Publisert 30. aug. 2021 11:01

Obligatorisk oppgave 1 er ute; uklart n?r fristen er, har satt den 20. september forel?pig.  Her er RPB-artikkelen.

Publisert 16. juli 2021 22:13

Emnet undevises i utgangspunktet p? norsk, men hvis studenter som ikke kan norsk skal ta emnet blir det holdt p? engelsk.

If there are foreign students who will attend this course, it will be given in English (otherwise it will be taught in Norwegian).

Publisert 16. juli 2021 22:10


dette emnet g?r for f?rste gangen i 2021, og vi h?per og regner med at det blir et interessant emne.  Konkret innhold i emnet kommer senere, men en forel?pig plan er noe a la:

  1. Repetisjon av omskrivningslogikk og Maude.
  2. Se p? en internett- (transport-)protokoll publisert av en  anerkjent forsker innen nettverk; modellere og analysere den i Maude, og se om vi kan knekke den.  (Oblig 1)
  3. Meta-programmering, ogs? oblig 2.
  4. Sanntidssystemer
  5. Probabilistiske systemer og statistisk modellsjekking (trenger ikke ? kunne statistikk)
  6. (Muligens) Semantikk og analyse av programmeringsspr?k i Maude. Et veldig enkelt spr?k som skal ligne et spr?k som Java.
  7. (Muligens) Internett-programmering med eksterne objekter som f eks sockets.
  8. (For IN9100-studenter) Symbolske analysemetoder som narrowing og Maude-med-SMT.

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