The censorship guide for the final written exam can be found here.
Because the audio of the lecture recording system did not work the previous week, I used yesterday my phone as a backup audio recording device. I said during the lecture yesterday that that was a reactive action because it resulted from a failure in the recording device. The correct terminology is that it was a *proactive* action because I changed the process to avoid the problem in the future. The *reactive* action I took to deal with the problem was to put a recording of last year’s lecture on the course web page. Another reactive action could have been to record a new oral presentation of the lecture and put that on the web page.
Dag Sj?berg
The sound is OK in the second half, that is, when 37.43 minutes left. For some reason, the sound is not present the first half, but tomorrow I will put on the web page a voice recording made through my phone. I've learned that the standard recording system that occasionally fails will be replaced soon.
Dag S.
For some reason, the recording of Wednesday's lecture didn't include sound, apart from 2 minutes in the middle, even though the indicator for incoming sound gave positive signals. So, I've put out the recording from last year. Only a few slides have been changed since last year. Unfortunately, the many good questions and comments from the students who attended the lecture are lost.
Dag Sj?berg
How to use AI-powered tools in the project assignment? Follow the guidelines below.
It is possible to use AI-powered tools (for example ChatGPT) to assist you in writing the project, however:
- We recommend to write the project report on your own and use AI only to improve the language, the formatting etc. and not to generate the insights related to the case.
- Clearly indicate where in the report and how you have used AI assistance.
- Although in theory it is ok to ask AI-powered tools to retrieve relevant documents (e.g. papers) on a specific topic that you want more information about, make sure to read the actual documents carefully and cite the sources appropriately. It is likely that current AI tools would not be reliable and accurate in providing references.
- We advise to use GPT UiO rather than other AI-powered tools.
There are two weeks until your mandatory project presentations. The presentations will be in-person in Seminarrom Prolog ( 23 Oct) and Seminarrom Python (25 Oct), taking place during the standard group session hours. There are 26 presentations in total, and all group members must attend in person on the day in which your group is presenting. To choose a presentation order you have to sign up in this sheet, where you write your group numbe...
The lecture on wedensday will be located in Caml. The room is better fitted for the Kanban game.
Hi all , Group list for your project is published in
The final deadline for the Project group registration will be this Wednesday 6th September, Here is the link for registration .
If you have not responded to this form, you will be placed in a random group.
Please find the link to the Group session material ,
Going forward group session material will be published after every Wednesday's group session at around 12 PM.
Don't forget to submit your response to create a project group before 5th September.
Unfortunately there seems to be no sound on the recorded second hour of the lecture 23.08. But you have the slides.
We hope the sound is OK for the next lecture (30.08).
Remember that you need to be part of a group to do the project asap, in any case before the 5th of September.
- Submit this form where you have the option to create your own group or you can choose to be put in a group.