
Published Oct. 29, 2019 10:23 AM

The last lecture is on Tuesday, November 5th. You will get information about the exam in the last part of the group session this week (October 31st 11:15).

Published Oct. 9, 2019 4:52 PM

The exam this year will be:

November 11th to November 29th.

Published Aug. 29, 2019 2:31 PM

To repeat what Alexander told in the first lecture, the Thursday seminars in this course are mandatory. 80 percent participation in the seminars is required to be allowed to take the exam.  

Published Aug. 26, 2019 8:43 AM


I am sorry, but we have to cancel tomorrows lecture. Terje will give his lecture later in the semester.

Published Aug. 23, 2019 8:17 AM

The description of assignment 2 can be found here on the course web pages under Schedule->Group Sessions->Group 1.

The written assignment must be submitted to Devilry ( by August 26th, 23:59. If you do not have access to devilry, please send it to both and within the deadline. Written assignments should be delivered in pdf.

Published Aug. 21, 2019 2:02 PM

As communicated during the lecture, there will only be one group, Thursdays 10.15-12.00. Those of you (who by mistake) were placed in group 2, will be automatically placed in group 1 shortly.

Remember that there is 80% obligatory attendance to the group sessions, meaning that you must meet up 8 of 10 times.

Published Aug. 21, 2019 2:00 PM

Reading for first group session is...

Published Aug. 20, 2019 12:46 PM

Welcome to IN5210 2019!

The first lecture will be on Wednesday, August 21st, 12:15 - 14:00, seminar room Prolog. There might be a change of room due to the number of students registered for the course. 

The first group session is Thursday, August 22nd, 10.15-12.00. It is expected that you prepare for each group session. The reading for this Thursday is S?rensen (2016). The plan is to have only one group, but this might change depending on the number of students registering for the course and attending to the first lecture.

The first lecture and all group sessions are mandatory, so make sure to show up and have your attendance registered!