
Published Sep. 5, 2024 2:15 PM

Only one person per group!

Published Sep. 4, 2024 7:38 AM

Hi, all!

For the next assignments, please submit as PDF files and add your name and username in the file somewhere. It is our fault not making this clear.

Also, all examiners can read Norwegian, but feel free to submit in English if you want to. 

Thank you!


Published Sep. 3, 2024 6:06 PM

Hi, everyone! Some of you have struggled to submit your assignment due to problems with Devilry. It seems like there is an issue on Devilry's side. If you have not been able to submit, please send your assignment to me and/or Maja on email (vetleu and majalt is our usernames).

The feedback for your assignments will also be postponed as we are not able to access Devilry at all.


Published Aug. 9, 2024 10:26 AM


Welcome to the first lecture in IN5210. This lecture will briefly introduce the course and offer important practical information. See you there!


- Petter, Maja and Vetle