Overview of course material and curriculum

The curriculum of IN5270/IN9270 consists of the following seven modules. Note: components marked as "supporting material" do not directly constitute the curriculum, but provide supporting/background information. Components marked as "further reading" are outside of the curriculum, so they are only meant for students with extra interest.


For each of the seven modules that constitute the curriculum, the most important parts are listed in red fonts. Note: the remaining parts are still curriculum.

Module 1: Finite Difference Computing with Exponential Decay Models

(The most important parts: Algorithms & Analysis)

Module 2: Finite difference methods for vibration problems

(The most important parts: Finite difference discretization & Analysis)

Module 3: Finite difference methods for wave motion

(The most important parts: Finite difference discretisation, Verification & Analysis)

Supporting material: Scientific software engineering; wave equation model

Supporting material: Finite difference methods for diffusion equations

Supporting material: Truncation error analysis

Module 4: Approximation of functions

(The most important parts: Approximation of functions & Finite element basis functions)

Module 5: Stationary variational forms

(The most important parts: Basic principles, Computing with finite elements & Handling Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions)

Supporting material: FEniCS tutorial version 1.6 

Module 6: Time-dependent variational forms

(The most important parts: All)

Module 7: Solving nonlinear ODE and PDE problems

(The most important parts: All except multi-dimensional PDE problems)

Further reading: Variational forms for systems of PDEs 

By Xing Cai
Published Aug. 20, 2018 1:27 AM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2019 9:18 PM