Using FEniCS at University of Oslo

The following are the steps for using the FEniCS software at UiO (last tested on Oct 18, 2019).

1. Log into using Feide. (It may take a few minutes.)
2. Select the “UiO FEniCS” image and press the “Spawn” button. You are then provided with a computing environment that has been built specifically for the course IN5270 to include the FEniCS software package.
3. On the home page, you will find some general information in the file “Viktig informasjon.ipynb”.
4. Create a notebook for yourself by selecting “New,” and from the drop-down list choose “Python 3”.
5. The newly created notebook can then be used to write and execute Python3 programs.  For example, to use FEniCS, you can now type “import fenics” in the first cell of the notebook, and then execute the cell.

For more information about how to use Jupyter Notebook, see

For more information on how to use FEniCS, see the tutorial, or the documentation (for more advanced users).

By James Trotter
Published Aug. 20, 2020 11:57 PM - Last modified Aug. 20, 2020 11:57 PM