From many good deliveries, the group teachers have nominated 10 clearly outstanding solutions. From these, we have selected 3 winners which will be presented on Wednesday before we dive into platforms and ecosystems. We will also quickly look at last year's final theoretical exam to help you get an idea of the format and what is expected.
See you all there!
On the lecture tomorrow, I will talk about information systems and how platforms and your project work is related to this perspective. This is the first of several theoretical lectures that will cover topics central to the final exam.
I will also spend some time going through the project evaluation criteria, which are now published on the course page
- Magnus
Remember that the final week of the plenary exercises was last week. Moving forward, use the seminar groups or piazza to get help with your group project.
The overview of project groups can be found here: /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN5320/h19/project/project-groups-2019.pdf
Remember that the first mandatory project presentation will be in about one week!
- Register group here:
- Or sign up for assignment to random group here:
The sooner the better!
- Magnus
If you think doing a master project and writing a thesis around DHIS2 and HISP could be interesting, we will present available projects and topics on Tuesday 17.09 (tomorrow) at 15:15 on the fifth floor.
A master project/thesis within our group involves working with real DHIS2 implementation and development projects by, for instance, developing apps, understanding requirements, integrating systems, and/or conducting user-oriented design processes to strengthen the health information systems (and other domains such as education) around the world. Topics to write about related to your practical project include (but are not limited to):
- Software implementation
- Open-source projects
- User involvement, usability, use-oriented design methods, and large-scale meta-design.
- ICT for development
- Software platforms and ecosystems
Some of the topics we will present are described here: ...
Due to some emerging events, the lecture on Wednesday is canceled. Instead, watch the recording from the last years lecture on DHIS2 and HISP. See the 'Schedule' page to access these.
- Magnus
Note that the first lecture will be held already on Thursday 22.08 at 14:15. The following weeks the main lectures will be on Wednesdays. See the full schedule for more details.
We're looking forward to seeing you all there!
- Magnus