Case 4 - Data Entry Forms Overview

Data sets are a central part of DHIS2 and represents a collection of data elements that together constitute a form to be reported by health facilities. An example of a data set could be “Child Health” which contains a variety of data elements for reporting numbers such as “BCG doses given”. Even though these collections of data elements are referred to as “Data Sets”, these are often thought of as “Forms” by the health workers, corresponding to similar-looking paper forms that has been used for many years to report the same data. Health workers use the app “Data entry” in DHIS2 to find and fill inn such Data Sets or forms on a routine basis (e.g., every month or every two weeks).

One health worker may be responsible for filling and submitting a number of such Data Sets on a regular basis. The current Data Entry app in DHIS2 does not provide any good overview of the Data Sets that needs to be submitted, their deadlines, status and so forth. The end-users would benefit from a more visual and clear overview of their relevant forms to be submitted, their respective deadline and status (completed/not completed this month). Also, forms that are past their due date simply disappearing from view would likely confuse the end-user, and it would, therefore, benefit them to be able to see overdue forms for the previous month. 

This case involves the design and development of an app that provides an overview of the data sets to be reported for the user that is logged in.

Currently, the Data Entry application in DHIS2 only provides a rather basic way of selecting the specific form or “Data Set” that the end-user wants to fill in and submit.


A very basic mockup of how a new interface could look (but much more information and elements may be relevant).

Use Scenario(s)

There are mainly two use scenarios for this case. Some users only report (and have access to) data sets for their own health facility. Others reports for several facilities that do not have a computer of their own. In the latter case, a data entry clerk will collect paper-based reports from several facilities and enter their data into the correct data sets in DHIS2 on their behalf. This gives rise to two scenarios:

Scenario 1: Frank the health clinic worker

Frank is a health worker at a clinic. He is in charge of reporting several data sets in DHIS2. When he logs into DHIS2, he typically opens the “Data Entry” application. Currently, this app does not give any overview of the forms that recently has been completed, which ones remain or are close to the submission deadline, and forms that are overdue.

In the new app, Frank wants to get an overview of the reporting status, and easily be able to click the forms he wants to fill in.

Scenario 2: Karen the district data entry clerk

Karen works as a data entry clerk at a district health office. She receives paper forms from several health clinics and enters these into DHIS2. To do this she uses the DHIS2 “Data Entry” app. Currently, there is no easy overview of the facilities she reports on behalf of, and the status and deadlines for the forms per facility. In the new app, Karen wants to get an easy overview of the facilities she is in charge of and the different forms that recently has been submitted, are close to the deadline and that is overdue.

Fundamental requirements

  • Users should get an overview of the relevant data entry forms (called data sets in DHIS2) for the current period. Note that this may differ from the type of user (Frank versus Karen), where data entry clerks at districts may need to see several facilities. The list of facilities for a user like Karen can get quite large, and this needs to be handled in a user-friendly manner (e.g. a search bar if there are more than 7 facilities).
  • For each form, the status (completed / uncompleted) should be displayed
  • For each form, the deadline for submission should be displayed
  • Forms where the deadline is close should be given extra attention in the interface
  • Overdue forms from the previous month should be displayed also.
  • Users should be able to click any form to either:
    a) edit it (navigate to data entry app)
    b) view it (navigate to data set report app)

Other than these basic requirements, you are free to design the application in any way you want, emphasizing providing the end-users with a usable and useful overview of the forms/ data sets they will need to deal with.

Potential additional features

  • Users might want to only view forms that are of a specific status, e.g. forms that are due, completed etc. There are several solutions to this, and it’s up to you to handle this in a manner that is most convenient and user-friendly for the user.
  • The list of forms can quickly get quite large, even for a user like Frank. The user should be given the possibility to search for a specific data set for quick access. Other search possibilities can also be considered.
  • Internet access may be unstable in many of the settings where DHIS2 is used, and often not present at all in rural areas. The user could benefit from being able to view forms while offline.
  • Make sure the user interface of the app works well on smaller screens such as tablets and/or mobile phones.

Relevant API

Get all data sets (forms)

Get a specific data set by id

Get completed forms by orgUnit, dataSet(s) and period(s)

Get the user’s organisation units

Published Sep. 26, 2019 2:09 PM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2019 2:09 PM