IN5320 fall 2020
The first lecture will be held on Monday 17.08 on Zoom. A link to the Zoom-room will be posted on this course page later this week.
This course provides a practical and theoretical introduction to the increasingly relevant phenomenon of digital platforms. The course is separated into two parts: 1) A practical part where the students are provided with an introduction to the development of web-based applications for the global health platform DHIS2. Through individual assignments and a group project, the students will develop an application with the JavaScript framework React and based on the real needs of the end-users of the DHIS2 software. In the practical part, the students get relevant experience with developing platform applications using modern web technologies. 2) The second, theoretical part is covered through lectures and readings related to the topic of digital platforms within the field of Information Systems research. Topics cover enterprise software platforms in relation to design and innovation, platforms in the public sector, data platforms for machine learning, and more.
The grade is based partly on the project work (40% of final grade), and the individual 4 hour written theoretical exam (60%). The course is most relevant to students writing theses related to the field of Information Systems, Software Platforms from a socio-technical perspective, or within the HISP/DHIS2 research project.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the lectures will be held online. The practical part of the course is based on an online web-based academy (more information will be provided after the first introductory lecture). The theoretical lectures starting from 21st of September will most likely be held on Zoom or similar pending on the situation.