Exam preparations

This page provides an overview of the topics, lecture recordings, and readings of the course, and can be used when preparing for the final theoretical exam. We encourage you to work with the questions listed for each topic after watching the lecture recording and reading the article(s).


Good luck!


Course summary and about the final exam




1. Introduction




2. Information systems and complexity




Example exam question(s)

  • What do we mean when we say that information systems are socio-technical? Discuss how this perspective can be of benefit when understanding failure, success, and challenges with information technology.

3. Digital platforms - fundamental concepts




Example exam question(s)

  • What is the difference between transaction platforms and innovation platforms? Name some examples of both types.
  • Name an example of a platform ecosystem and discuss how it meets the definition and characteristics of a platform ecosystem using all concepts you see relevant from the course literature (e.g., architecture, multi-sidedness, boundary resources, competitive advantage, network effects, etc.)

4. Design within enterprise platform ecosystems




Example exam question(s)

  • What do we mean by platform strategy, and why do vendors of generic software solutions (such as SAP and DHIS2) adopt such a strategy?
  • This question is divided into three parts. You must answer all. a) Describe key differences between bespoke and generic software development. b) Discuss potential challenges and benefits associated with each. c) Discuss how the two approaches to design and development relate to software platforms

5. Digital platforms for public-private collaboration





Example exam question(s)

  • Give an example of a platform coring strategy Relate this coring strategy to other elements or concepts from the course (architecture, boundary resources, types of platforms..)
  • Why would the government (or some other public sector actor) want a publicly controlled platform for welfare technologies?

6. Digital Platforms and Innovation




Example exam question(s)

  • Are there any characteristics of software platforms that might promote innovation?
  • How can platform leaders /platform owners shape innovation appropriability (i.e., the ability for third party complementors to capture value from their platform innovations/applications) in a software platform ecosystem?

7. Establishing digital platforms within complex infrastructures




Example exam question(s)

  • If you were to introduce a new software system into a large organization with already existing information systems and practices: are there any possible challenges?

8. Digital platforms and software licensing




Example exam question(s)

  • Define platform forking. How is it different from “regular” software project forks?
  • How can (open source) software licenses function as a boundary resource?

9. Data platforms and AI in the public sector (additional - will not be part of the final exam)







    Published Oct. 10, 2020 8:40 AM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2020 1:02 PM