Welcome to IN5370!
Hello! :-)
A warm welcome to IN5370, "ICT and Global Inequalities". In this course we will explore the relationship between ICT and socio-economic inequalities on a global scale, guided by the question on how such inequalities are produced and what can be done to overcome them. In our journey we will explore the widespread diffusion of digitally-induced harm and injustice stemming from ICTs including digital ID, biometric border controls and tools of data violence, and explore different paths to overcoming such injustices.
The course is assessed with a take-home exam to be submitted after the end of the course. Essential readings are available in the course schedule, which offers also an overview of the themes of the course.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at silvima@ifi.uio.no.
I look forward to meeting you soon!
All the best,