Week 2 overview

This week we review linear models for classification and regression

Lecture notes will be found here (updated after the lecture)

Reading material:
Only pages 1-7 and 16-19

Relevant video links: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FW7Lu3i5JvHM8ljYj-zLfQRF3EO8sYv Lecture 2-3 (note: they do not cover regression)


Exercises will be a mix of theory and programming.

Updated theory exercises - notation fixed

Programming exercise: zip-file

 Updated Solution  to theory exercise

Since the programming exercise is similar to a mandatory exercise at Stanford, no solution will be published on the web. We might make the solution available from the UiO file system when we get the  course file area we have requested.

Publisert 16. jan. 2019 13:38 - Sist endret 28. jan. 2019 08:30