Updated schedule

The  guest lecture on General Adversarial Networks will be cancelled due to the guest lecturer being assigned to work on the COVID app that Simula works on.  GANs will be taken out from the curriculum.

The next lecture on unsupervised learning will be given as an interactive lecture  on Zoom April 22, but all material and external links and exercises will be uploaded this week to enable you to prepare questions. You will find the material on /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN5400/v20/material/Unsupervised%20learning/index.html


We have also set up one-to-one meetings with us to get help with Mandatory 2. Sign up in the doodle given in a previous email.

Publisert 14. apr. 2020 15:29 - Sist endret 14. apr. 2020 15:29