Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
17.01.2019 |
Industry Guest Lecture by Jan Br?ten Chief Economist / Sjef?konom, Statnett
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Power Market: The Green revolution and the role of ICT
Introduction to the Course Energy Informatics: overview |
Power Market: The Green revolution and the role of ICT
Introduction to the Course Energy Informatics: overview |
24.01.2019 |
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo
Invited Guest Lecture by ?ystein Ulleberg Principal Scientist / 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sleder, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) Associate Professor, University of Oslo |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Energy Informatics: overview (II) Power Systems Basics
Renewable Energy Basics |
Energy Informatics: overview (II) |
31.01.2019 |
Industry Guest Lecture by Kari Dalen Seniorr?dgiver, System- og balansetjeneste, Statnett
Sabita Maharjan Senior Research Scientist, Simula Research |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Demand Response: industry perspective
Demand Response |
Demand Response |
07.02.2019 |
Invited Guest Lecture industry talk is cancelled this day and moved to 04.04. We will have lecture 10:30-12:00
Sabita Maharjan Senior Research Scientist, Simula Research |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Energy Market and Game Theory Q&A for group work, project assignment
Energy Market and Game Theory |
14.02.2019 |
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo
Industry Guest Lecture by Ole Sten Volland CTO (Chief Technology Officer), Green Mountain
Tor Kristian Gyland CEO (Chief Executive Officer), Green Mountain
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Green Data Center
Green Mountain: industry perspective in designing and operating green datacenter Note: a brief introduction can be found at: |
Green Data Center |
21.02.2019 |
Sabita Maharjan Senior Research Scientist, Simula Research
Industry Guest Lecture by Ylvis?ker Hans Terje, Programsjef BKK SmartNett |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Cloud/Fog Computing for Smart Grid
Robot and Digitalization for Automatic and Real-time Power Grid |
Cloud/Fog Computing for Smart Grid |
28.02.2019 |
No Lecture |
07.03.2019 |
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo
Industry Guest Lecture by Jon Andreas Pretorius CIO, Hafslund Nett |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Smart Grid Privacy and Security
Smart Grid Cyber-Security: industry perspective |
Smart Grid Privacy and Security |
14.03.2019 |
Invited Guest Lecture by Arne ?vreb? Lie Consultant, Energy Markets & Technology, DNV GL
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Blockchain Technolgy and its Application in Energy Systems
TESLA as Internet of Things (Blockchain, Electric Vehicles) Information about oral exam |
TESLA as Internet of Things
Information about oral exam |
21.03.2019 |
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo
Industry Guest Lecture by Arne Gravdahl CTO & Founder, WindSim AS Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting (e.g., Linear regression, KNN, SVM)
Wind Energy Forecasting: industry perspective |
Machine Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting |
28.03.2019 |
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo
Industry Guest Lecture by Boris Tistan Analytics Program Manager, Powel |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Deep Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting (e.g., Artificial Neural Networks)
Machine Learning Applications for Intelligent Energy Systems |
Deep Learning for Renewable Energy Forecasting
04.04.2019 |
Invited Guest Lecture Vivi Mathiesen Head of Section, NVE (Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat)
Yan Zhang Professor, University of Oslo |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Energy Market and Nord Pool https://www.nve.no/energy-market-and-regulation/wholesale-market/
Machine Learning for Time Series Data Analysis in Smart Grid (e.g., LR, MLR, ANN, Recurrent Neural Networks) |
Machine Learning for Time Series Data Analysis in Smart Grid |
11.04.2019 |
Hans-Arno Jacobsen Professor, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
OJD Seminarrom Shell |
Research Directions in Energy Informatics |