Curriculum spring 2018 (to be updated)

You may access the readings here (access is restricted to registered students)


Course book:

Weill, P. & Ross, J.W. IT governance: How top performers manage IT decision rights for superior results. Harvard Business Press; (2004).


23.01: IT governance in organizations – models and frameworks:

Core readings:

Chapters 1-3 in Weill, P. & Ross, J.W. IT governance: How top performers manage IT decision rights for superior results. Harvard Business Press; (2004).

Weill, P. (2004): “Don’t just lead, govern: how top-performing firms govern IT”. MIS Quarterly Executive Vol. 3 No. 1, March 2004.

Additional reading:

Michael Fitzgerald, Nina Kruschwitz, Didier Bonnet, and Michael Welch (2013): Embracing Digital Technology. A New Strategic Imperative. Sloan Management Review and CapGemini Consulting.

Peterson, R. (2004) Crafting Information Technology Governance, Information Systems Management, 21:4, 7-22


06.02: Project Management

Core material:

IEEE (2011). Guide— Adoption of the Project Management Institute (PMI?) Standard. Kapittel 1-3

Additional readings:

Humble, Jez and Molesky, Joanne (2011). "Why Enterprises Must Adopt DevOps to Enable Continuous Delivery". Cutter IT Journal 24(8).

Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2003). On the nature of the project as a temporary organization. International Journal of Project Management, 21(1), 1-8.

Spundak, M. (2014) Mixed agile/traditional project management methodology – reality or illusion? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 939 – 948

Little, T. (2005). Context-adaptive agility: managing complexity and uncertainty. Software, IEEE, 22(3), 28-35.

Bygstad, B. & Nielsen, P.A. Understanding and managing process interaction in IS development projects. SCIS, Springer Verlag (2012) p. 25-43.


13.01: IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture

Core readings:

Chapter 1 & 2 in Ross, Weill, Robertson (2006) "Enterprise Architecture as Strategy. Creating a foundation for business execution”. Harvard Business Press; (2006)

Bharadwaj et al. (2013): Digital Business Strategy: Toward a Next Generation of Insights. MISQ, 37(2), 471-482.


20.02. Service-Oriented Architecture

Bygstad, B. Generative mechanisms for innovation in information infrastructures. Information and Organization (2010) p. 156-168.

Zhang, Feng, Sead Muftic, and Gernot Schm?elzer. "Secure service-oriented architecture for mobile transactions." Internet Security (WorldCIS), 2011 World Congress on. IEEE, 2011.


27.02. Platformization and lightweight IT

Horlach, B., Drews, P., Schirmer, I. (2016): Bimodal IT: Business-IT Alignment in the Age of Digital Transformation. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) (2016)

Bygstad and Iden (2016) A governance Framework for Lightweight IT.


10.04. Governance of inter-organizational systems and platforms

Core readings:

Chapter 6 (“Platform governance”) in Tiwana, Amrit (2013): “Platform ecosystems: aligning architecture, governance, and strategy”. 2013.

Gawer, A. (2014): "Bridging differing perspectives on technological platforms: Toward an integrative framework." Research Policy 43.7 (2014): 1239-1249.


Additional readings:

Provan, K. G., & Kenis, P. (2008). Modes of network governance: Structure, management, and effectiveness. Journal of public administration research and theory, 18(2), 229-252.

Rolland, K. and Aanestad, M. (2014): Growing platform-based enterprise systems through ‘modular’ and ‘architectural’ acts of customizing: a case study. IRIS 2014, Denmark.

Eaton et al. (2015) "Distributed tuning of boundary resources: the case of Apple's iOS service system." Mis Quarterly 39.1, 217-243.

Ghazawneh and Henfridsson (2012) "Balancing platform control and external contribution in third‐party development: the boundary resources model." Information Systems Journal 23.2, 173-192.

Boudreau (2010): Open Platform Strategies and Innovation: Granting Access vs. Devolving Control. Management Science. 56(10)

Markus, M. Lynne. "The governance of free/open source software projects: monolithic, multidimensional, or configurational?." Journal of Management & Governance 11.2 (2007): 151-163.


17.4 Theoretical perspectives on governance


Vassilakopoulou, P. et al. (2017) "Collective action in national e-health initiatives: findings from a cross-analysis of the Norwegian and Greek e-prescription initiatives." Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2017 Kristiansand, Norway, August 29–30, 2017. No. 145. Link?ping University Electronic Press, 2018.

Aaltonen, Aleksi, and Giovan Francesco Lanzara. "Building governance capability in online social production: insights from Wikipedia." Organization Studies 36.12 (2015): 1649-1673.


McGinnis, Michael D. (2016) "Polycentric Governance in Theory and Practice: Dimensions of Aspiration and Practical Limitations." University of Washington.

Tiwana, Konsynski, and Bush (2010) "Research commentary—Platform evolution: Coevolution of platform architecture, governance, and environmental dynamics." Information Systems Research 21.4, 675-687.


23.4. Critical perspectives

Ciborra, C. U. A Critical Review of the Literature on the Management of Corporate Information Infrastructure. Chapter 2 in "From Control to Drift", Oxford Univ. Press. 2000.

Ciborra, C.U Encountering information systems as a phenomenon. Chapter 1 in "The Social Study of Information and Communication Technology". Oxford Univ. Press 2004.

Publisert 16. jan. 2018 09:54 - Sist endret 21. mars 2018 18:20