
Publisert 3. juni 2021 10:29

Presentation schedule is distributed to your UIO e-mail!

Egil and Jon


Publisert 10. mai 2021 15:24

In the oral exam, it is the answer to the home exam that shall be presented. You have ten minutes for a presentation. The student is then asked some questions - the questions can deal with both the home exam, deliverable 1 or deliverable 2 and other parts of the syllabus

P? muntlig eksamen er det besvarelsen p? hjemmeeksamen som skal presenteres. Dere har ti minutter til presentasjon. Det blir deretter stilt noen sp?rsm?l til studenten - sp?rsm?lene kan omhandle b?de hjemmeeksamen, deliverable 1 eller deliverable 2 og ?vrige deler av pensum

Publisert 31. mars 2021 08:55

Muntlig eksamen avholdes i uke 23: 7-11 juni.

Publisert 24. feb. 2021 14:07

As stated in the lectures, we strongly encourage you to work in groups for deliverables 1 and deliverables 2. Deliverable 3 will build upon deliverable 1 and deliverable 2, but deliverable 3 will be an individual assignment.

Deliverable 3 will be a home exam, and will be made available May 26 at 08:00, with submission deadline May 28 at 08:00.

Publisert 18. feb. 2021 14:14

We will receive a guest lecture by NHH professor Jon Iden on process management on Wednesday 10. Note: use the lecture URL given at

The group session is in this week only moved to the "lecture slot" on Thursday 12:15-14:00.

Publisert 3. feb. 2021 13:40

Deliverable 2

Send mail to Egil ( or Nora ( if you have any question related to the second deliverable.

Publisert 27. jan. 2021 14:35

Deliverable 1

Send us an e-mail ( or if you have any questions relating to the assignment or the group project. If you weren't present during the first group session the slides from the session (with information about the group work) has been published on the group schedule for 27.01.2020.

Publisert 14. jan. 2021 14:11


(we will use this link for all lectures)