
Published Mar. 19, 2018 2:08 PM

Mandatory assignment 2 is now published. Please download it from here. The delivery deadline is on Thursday 5 April 2018.

Published Feb. 12, 2018 2:05 PM

Mandatory assignment 1 is now published. Please download it from here. The delivery deadline is on Tuesday 27 February 2018, at 14.00.

Published Jan. 17, 2018 2:23 PM


Unfortunately, it seems to be very few students that want to follow the IN5450/9540 course this semester.  We’ll meet on Monday 22. January at 14.15 and decide on a plan for how the course will be taught the rest of the semester.

If you plan to follow the course but don’t have the possibility to attend the class on Monday, please drop me a note.
