IN5470 – Advanced Research Topics in Design of IT

Course content

This course provides a basic introduction to a theme where the researchers from the Design group are active, and may therefore vary every year. The course includes basic literature and important frameworks within the chosen theme so that the students get a good basis for writing their Master thesis within the theme. The aim is that the Master theses can contribute to the research in the Design group. The course emphasizes theoretical understanding and practical experiments within the chosen theme.

Learning outcome

After you have completed this course you are able to:

  • Explain important concepts within the field
  • Describe central frameworks for design within the field
  • Translate concepts and frameworks in the field into concrete design suggestions
  • Apply the framework in analysis and evaluation of your own as well as other people’s design solutions

Admission to the course

There are a total of 12 spots in this course. Ranking rules:

  1. Master?s students in the study program Design, Use, Interaction with the topic in the approved study plan, and which writes a thesis on the theme of the year
  2. Master?s students in the study program Design, Use, Interaction
  3. Students at IFI who in previous courses (e.g. IN1060 or IN3010) have written a project assignment within the theme of the year

IN1050 – Introduction to Design, Use, Interaction, IN1060 – Use Oriented Design, IN3010 – Transformative Design

Overlapping courses


Lectures, discussions and specific assignments. The teaching will be held over a 4-5 week period, preferably full days to suit other subjects.

Compulsory activities on the subject: There is a requirement for 80% attendance in lectures, and active participation in discussions is required. Completion of mandatory assignments is required.


A large written report counts 100%. To be able to pass the exam, all compulsory assignments in the subject must be approved and approved during the same semester.

It will also be counted as one of?your three?attempts to sit the exam for this course, if you sit the exam for one of the following courses:?INF5205 – Advanced Topics in Design of Information Systems (continued), INF9205 – Advanced Topics in Design of Information Systems (discontinued)

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

Students who can document a valid reason for absence from the regular examination are offered a postponed examination at the beginning of the next semester. Re-scheduled examinations are not offered to students who withdraw during, or did not pass the original examination.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 1, 2025 6:11:43 PM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Spring and autumn
Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)