
Publisert 3. apr. 2022 01:17

Details provided under "Obligatory assessments" on the Semester page. The ACM format is also available for download here. 

I decided to drop the 5 min presentation, though do bring a draft to class on April 21st. 

Publisert 15. mars 2022 21:51


Thanks, Tone, for sharing the Polanyi article. It has also be circulated to you via email.

I have also uploaded the article Brereton article "Habituated Objects
Everyday Tangibles That Foster the Independent Living
of an Elderly Woman". Worthwhile a look for your second obligs.  

Publisert 15. mars 2022 14:56

finnes her (hilsen Tone)

Publisert 10. mars 2022 09:05

 Jo Herstad, who some of you might know from last semester, will be giving a guest lecture in class today. Make him feel welcome!

Publisert 3. mars 2022 09:15

Details provided under "Obligatory assessments" on the Semester page.

Publisert 3. mars 2022 09:15

Details provided under "Obligatory assessments" below.

Publisert 2. feb. 2022 14:43

Due date: February 17th, 2022
Task: Practice using HCI frameworks

A framework is an analytical tool that can be used to organize, i.e. categorize and describe, a field, a system or a body of work into conceptually distinct (and conceptually useful) categories.

A useful framework captures essential aspects of a field/system/body of work in a way that makes it easy to apply, understand and extend.

A useful framework can inform what we do, how and why we do it, and what we can expect.

Your task:

  1. Take a quick look at the frameworks provided (you are welcome to look for other frameworks, however do a quick check-in with me if you would like to use other frameworks)
  2. Pick 2 frameworks for a more in-depth reading
  3. Apply 1 framework to a relevant design
  4. Write a 1-2 page note where you explain ...
Publisert 25. jan. 2022 15:38

Chapter 4 in Dourish (2001) is now available in Leganto.

Publisert 20. jan. 2022 08:31

Hi again,

I am sorry to have to inform you that the first lecture will be postponed due to illness.

In preparation for next week, read through the course outline and  ch 4 in Paul Dourish's "Where the action is". A pdf will be posted on the semester page.


Publisert 19. jan. 2022 19:02


Welcome to Design for Dasein. We will start the semester online. Hopefully we can meet in early February.

Our first lecture will be Thursday Jan 20th at 10.15am. The lecture will go for about an hour. It is strongly recommended that students attend. It will be an introductory lecture. I will go over the course outline, the course content, the assessment task, and I will also try to get to know you a bit.

A more detailed schedule and the reading materials will be available shortly. The course outline is posted on the "semester side" under the heading "course outline." 

I look forward to "meeting" you all tomorrow and to working with you this semester!

Click here is the Zoom-link for today (and all other digital lectures throughout the semester if it is needed).


Publisert 11. nov. 2021 22:01

In5470 v?ren 2022 gir en introduksjon til fenomenologi som et utgangspunkt for forskning (og masteroppgaver) innenfor interaksjonsdesign og brukermedvirkning i design (participatory design). Emnet g?r inn p? 4-5 temaer som diskuteres i fenomenologiske begreper. 

Emnet kan ses som oppf?lger av in3220/in4220, men med et annet fokus.