Infection prevention for the wallet exercise on Monday

First: Bring your own scissors and pens/markers if you have. We have some for you to use if you do not have - please antibac these before and after use.

Wash your desk with antibac after entering the room. 

The course teachers place the materials for the exercise evenly spaced on a table in the room. Please keep 1m distance to other students when you go and collect materials for designing your prototype. 

Use antibac for your hands before you pick up any material.

Wash equipment such as scissors and glue sticks with antibac before and after you use them.

Please only touch materials that you will bring with you.

Materials that you bring to your seat but do not use will be discarded afterwards.

Guri, ?smund, Hanna

Publisert 28. aug. 2020 12:39 - Sist endret 28. aug. 2020 12:39