Exam information

Here is some more information about the exam

Here is information from the front page of the exam


  • You should spend your time in such a manner that you get to answer all exercises If you get stuck on one question, move on to the next question.
  • There are 7(MSc)/8(PhD) exercises. They are weighted proportional to the number of sub-questions.
  • Your answers should be short,
    typically a few sentences and / or a sketch should be sufficient.
  • Do not give just a numerical answer, but demonstrate your reasoning.
  • If you are using information from other sources than the textbook and the lecture notes,
    you should always include references to these external sources.
  • During the exam, there will be a zoom-session for questions at 16.00. Ask questions orally. Look through the exercise set before this to identify all your questions. You will get the link to this on email.
  • Lecture notes, slides, exercises, as well as any online information are allowed.
    However, it is FORBIDDEN to collaborate or communicate with any person about the exercises during the exam period. You may be subject to a control conversation regarding the authenticity of your exam submission. Ref: https://www.mn.uio.no/english/about/hse/corona/kontrollsamtale.html.
    Such a conversation will not impact grading of your exam, but it can lead to the institute raising a fraud case. Read more about fraud definitions here:


More useful information:

  • If we have important information to you during the exam, it will be published on the course web page (main semester page)  (if any errors etc. are discovered). Check the web site regularly during the exam.
  • You are not required to prepare any hand written input. You are allowed to answer A SMALL NUMBER of the exercises either using a sketch or a hand-written computation.
  • You submit a single PDF file with all your answers. YOU are responsible that the PDF is easy to read (if you use handwritten input you are responsible for the quality). Please  limit handwritten input.
  • Most questions require a short discussion
  • If computation, give your calculations (you may simplfy notation if needed like exp(-0.5(x-mu1)T Sigma-1(x-mu1))
  • Data examples might have data dependent on candidate number


If techincal problems, contact https://www.mn.uio.no/english/studies/exam/user-support.html

Publisert 2. des. 2020 10:58 - Sist endret 2. des. 2020 10:58