Zoom links for the exam

Topic: IN 5520/9520 Exam
Time: Dec 10, 2021 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 651 9198 1436
Passcode: 200836

During the exam, there will be a Zoom session for questions starting at 10.00 and 12.00. Look through the exercise set before this to identify all your questions. When you join the Zoom seesion, you will be placed in a waiting room and admitted to the meeting room with course teachers when there are no other students in the meeting room. In the meeting room, you should ask questions orally. The Zoom sessions will be ended when there are no more students in the waiting room and at least 15 minutes has passed since the Zoom session started.

Publisert 8. des. 2021 09:12 - Sist endret 8. des. 2021 09:12