Fallback solution in case of problems with saving models for the obligatory assignment

For those of you working on the obligatory assignment 1:

Some of you can have problems with saving your trained models on Saga (usually it is accompanied by warnings like 'Couldn't retrieve source code for container of type...').

The reason is a bug in PyTorch 1.3. In case you encounter this, try loading the nlpl-in5550/202002/3.7 module instead of nlpl-in5550/202001/3.7. This version of the IN5550 Saga environment features PyTorch 1.4 where this bug was fixed. If we do not find any other regressions introduced in this release, we will make 1.4 the default PyTorch version for the rest of the course.

Good luck with the assignment!

Published Feb. 7, 2020 3:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 3:35 PM