Final Lecture Tomorrow

In the lecture tomorrow (Tuesday, April 21, 12:15, on Zoom), we will review the procedures and schedule for the final exam, with the three-week exam period starting tomorrow.  As part of the lecture, we will provide a high-level overview of three common ‘tasks’ (i.e. sub-problems) in natural language processing, viz. named entity recognition, negation resolution, and sentiment analysis.  Following the lecture, we will make available high-level project outlines for each task (e.g. indicating relevant background readings, research questions, and candidate approaches, data sets, and tools).  Participants need to pick one of the tasks and declare their choice by the end of the day of April 22.  Team submissions (of up to three MSc students; doctoral students are lone wolves) possible, and team composition also needs to be announced on April 22 (and cannot be changed subsequently).

The exam period runs until May 12, i.e. over a total of three weeks.  Expected total effort for a passable submission (implementation, experiments, write-up) is around five working days.  There will be some minor effort required after the submission deadline for anonymous peer reviewing of two reports by fellow students, and for final revisions in the light of reviewer comments and preparation of a ‘camera-ready’ version of the report.  Unlike for obligatory assignments, deadline extensions cannot be granted for a home exam.


Published Apr. 20, 2020 11:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2020 11:58 PM