WNNLP 2020

We’re happy to invite you to participate at the 2nd IN5550 Teaching Workshop on Neural Natural Language Processing, tomorrow (Wednesday 27/5) at 12:15. Please check Piazza for the Zoom invitation.

The four students enrolled in the class at the PhD level will be presenting their research projects from the home exam. The program is as follows:

12:15–12:20 Welcome and Workshop Overview
12:20–12:35 Ping-Han Hsieh: Targeted Sentiment Analysis for Norwegian Language
12:40–12:55 Maja Buljan: A Replication Study in Negation Scope Resolution
13:00–13:15 Awadelrahman Mohamedelsadig Ali Ahmed: Sequence to Sequence Learning for Named Entity Recognition
13:20–13:35 Ole Magnus Holter: Toward multilingual Named Entity Recognition for Norwegian and English
13:40–13:50 Award(s) Ceremony

Published May 26, 2020 2:48 PM - Last modified May 27, 2020 11:46 AM