Welcome to IN5550!
Welcome to our IN5550 course which will guide you through deep learning applications to natural language processing!
The first introductory lecture this term will be held on Tuesday, January 24, at 12:15. We will go through course logistics (including routines for assignments and the final project-based exam) and motivate the now dominant use of neural architectures in Natural Language Processing (and most other sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence). The first lecture will be in-person.
Subsequent lectures (after the introductory one) will be provided to you in a pre-recorded format. Currently, the plan is that the lecture videos will be published every Friday in the second half of the day. You can watch them whenever it is more convenient to you. Each Tuesday (at the official designated time slot of 12:15), we will have an interactive Q&A session in Zoom, dedicated to the lecture published on Friday. Questions, discussions, etc will happen there. You can find the Zoom room link in the course schedule and in our UiO GitHub repository.
To prepare for this class, we ask that everyone fill in a brief anonymous survey about their background and request access to the Fox high-performance computing cluster.
Group sessions ("labs") on Wednesdays will be held in the physical format, with remote Zoom access still remaining an option. However, we strongly recommend in-person attendance, since previous instances if the course proved that remote participation in labs is much less efficient.
All the code and datasets used throughout the course will be available at our Git repository. Please make sure you have access to it.
Look for further details and updates on the course web page (this page). You can also ask questions via our collective mailbox or Mattermost chat channel.
Welcome again, and excited to see you in the classrooms!
IN5550 teachers
Andrey, David, Erik, Sondre (in alphabetical order :))