The class uses point-based assessment of obligatory assignments. The three assignments will be increasingly rewarding, each worth 6, 12, and 14 points, respectively. You need a minimum sum of 18 points from the three assignments, as well as a minimum of 1 point per assignment, or at least 56 percent of the regular points to qualify for the final exam (20 points if you are a PhD student and taking the IN9550 course). In case one falls below this threshold on one assignment, devoting more effort to the next assignment will make it possible to ‘catch up’ again.
# | Topic | Publication | Deadline | Points |
(1) | Document classification with bags of words and word embeddings | February 12 | March 3 | 6 |
(2) | TBA | March 4 | March 21 | 12 |
(3) |
March 25 | April 11 | 14 |
We will be unable to accept late or revised submissions once a ‘model solution’ has been published and discussed in the laboratory sessions. Thus, all submission deadlines are strict. We cannot accept submissions after the deadlines. In case of illness, please do get in touch with the instructors as early as possible and in any case prior to the deadline.
We encourage group work for both the three obligatory assignments and the final project (home exam). A group is a team of two or three students who (well before the submission deadline) agree to collaboratively solve the assignment. Once established, the composition of groups can only change in between assignments, i.e. after a group has submitted their joint results and before they start to work on a new assignment. Ideally, well-performing groups will start early in the term and stick together for the full semester (and maybe beyond that). Each group member submits the exact same solution, which will be reviewed jointly; each group submission must clearly indicate the group composition, i.e. the full names and UiO account identifiers of all group members.