
To pass this course, you must pass 2 Obligs, 2 Home Exams, and a Final Oral or Written Exam, depending on the number of students admitted to the exam.

You must pass the Obligs in order to be admitted to do the Home and Final Exams. Your Home Exams will count towards your final grade together with the Final Exam. Extensive feedback will be provided on all assignments.


Updated March 19 due to situation around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assignment Handout Hand-in Duration Feedback
Oblig1 05/02 18/02 2 weeks 26/02 22/03
Oblig2 19/02 10/03 3 weeks 17/03 22/03
HE1 Oblig3 11/03 02/04 14/04 3.5 weeks 15/04 22/04
HE2 Oblig4 15/04 12/05 4 weeks 22/05
  • All handouts happen on a Wednesday, when the lecture is
  • All hand-ins happen on a Tuesday, before the lecture
    • Except HE1; HE1 is due on Thursday before the Easter break
  • Easter lies between HE1 and HE2
  • Feedback for Oblig1 and Oblig2 comes by the following Wednesday (~1 week), in time before the exercise session on Thursday.
  • Feedback for HE1 and HE2 comes ~1.5 weeks after hand-in
Published Jan. 23, 2020 12:05 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2020 5:27 PM