Oral exam time schedule IN5570 v2020 published

The oral exam is scheduled for June 10th and June 11th, 2020, see the time schedule here:

Oral exam time schedule IN5570 v2020

The oral exam questions have been published previously.

The Zoom link will be sent by e-mail - if you do not get it by this evening, send me e-mail.,

If you get sick or are otherwise prevented from showing up, send me a text message either via Viber, Signal, or as an SMS: +4540251650.

Show up one hour before your scheduled time - except for the first of the day that needs only to be there 10 minutes before and the second of the day that needs to be there 30 minutes before and the third of the day 50 minutes before.

We will use the Waiting feature of Zoom. Be sure to login to Zoom using your UiO credentals.

See you!

-- Eric

Published June 9, 2020 10:07 AM - Last modified June 9, 2020 10:07 AM