Oral Exam Schedule IN5570 Spring 2022

It seems like everyone has now answered the Doodle.

I have set a schedule: one got an "if-need-be" time - because there were too many for the desired slots, and one got 17:00 because there was one more student than expected!



You can bring all lecture materials plus ONE sheet of A4 paper per question. You can use picture/illustrations/etc from the lecture materials.

At the exam, you draw one of the questions for which you do a short presentation 3-8 minutes (or none at all, if you prefer merely being questioned).

You MUST show up on time for the exam. You should be there AT LEAST ONE HOUR before your scheduled time - except for the first three in the morning - they only need to be there 15 minutes before. You can "risk" being called in to the exam before your scheduled time - up to ONE HOUR before (again this does not apply to the first three in the morning - they should be ready 15 minutes before the start of the first exam.

Your grade will be published later - the plan is to do so before 9pm on the day of the exam.

Taking the exam requires that you have completed the two obligs and the two Home Exams.


-- Eric


Oral Exam schedule IN5570 Spring 2022
June 14th, 2022 Place to be determined
09:00 Vegard M
09:30 Jonas R
10:00 Martin T V L
10:30 Halvor R
11:00 Mikael T-H
11:30 Anna L J
12:00 LUNCH
12:30 LUNCH
13:00 Audun W
13:30 Katrine F
14:00 Boye M M
14:30 Jakob G
15:00 BREAK
15:30 J?rgen S
16:00 Even H
16:30 Victor L G
17:00 Tobias M A
17:30 END of EXAM
Published May 31, 2022 12:51 AM - Last modified May 31, 2022 12:51 AM